There is a real irony to this maturing well blog as all of a sudden, flip I’m in hospital! This has taken me completely by surprise, especially as I’ve made it this far in life without ever having to stay in hospital. So I’m typing this from my hospital bed, on my iPhone, so perhaps a little clumsy.
Several months ago my GP had referred me to a kidney specialist and I had the appointment a couple of days ago. This was because of my rising creatinine levels, all to do with my kidney function. Before I saw the consultant a nurse said she’d check my weight, blood pressure and took a urine sample.
My inital chat with the consultant was quite short as he said my urine sample was completely clear. He was a young man, with a well groomed beard and said he thought he knew what the problem could be. He popped me on a couch and examined my lower abdomen, rolling his hands over my belly as if he was kneeding bread. He suspected my bladder was totally full.
Back at his desk he made a phone call, asking for an immediate scan. No scanners were available so, a little surprisingly, he took me to another department, speaking quickly as we walked along. He introduced himself and virtually ordered a bemused looking nurse to carry out a scan straight away. She did and confirmed my bladder was very full (but it didn’t feel full at all!). He then briefed another consultant who then told me I should be admitted either straight away or first thing tomorrow.
So this really is a matter of “flip I’m in hospital!“
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