Weekly update – that end of summer feeling?

Yesterday's sunset on Dunstable Downs
Yesterday’s sunset on Dunstable Downs

Welcome to my latest weekly update.  It is quite chilly at the moment and of course it’s a Bank Holiday weekend, so I definitely have that end of summer feeling.  Looking back it has been quite a busy week, which I like, so quite a few things to highlight. Continue reading “Weekly update – that end of summer feeling?”

New heating!

New snazzy combo boiler in the garage
New snazzy combo boiler going in the garage

I am simply so excited that we have a new central heating in time for the winter.  Last winter I struggled with the cold and I was worried about the cost of keeping the old system going, so this has been a brilliant step forward here at the Quirky Museum.  Needless to say, it wasn’t straight forward, nothing ever is these days. Continue reading “New heating!”