Tales from the Courtroom – scavenging for food

Once again back to Stevenage Magistrates Court and this must have been 1996 or thereabouts.  At the time there was an open air market which was in between the Probation Office and the Court.  One day a week there was a market which proved very bountiful. Continue reading “Tales from the Courtroom – scavenging for food”

Tales from the Courtroom – be careful what you say

This little tale starts off in Stevenage Magistrates Court in the late 1990s and doesn’t get picked up until 10 years later.  It really is a serious reminder of why it is so important we take care in what we say.  Easy for me to say, perhaps as someone who is prone to ‘putting my foot in it’ from time to time. Continue reading “Tales from the Courtroom – be careful what you say”

Tales from the Courtroom – the plummy magistrate

It is a while since I last posted anything of the tales from the Courtroom, so time to reminisce about the plummy magistrate.

Magistrates come from all walks of life, or at least they’re meant to.  Back in the late 1990s there was one Court I used to often go to and the Magistrates there were a different breed altogether.  Talk about plummy. Continue reading “Tales from the Courtroom – the plummy magistrate”

Tales from the Court room – the Pied Piper from Hereford

Old Hereford Magistrates CourtLooking back at my Probation Court duty times, there were so many memorable events.  Some funny (see previous posts below) and others were rather sad or even dramatic.  This tale from the Court room, where I became like the Pied Piper from Hereford, turned out well in the end but it also has a sad side. Continue reading “Tales from the Court room – the Pied Piper from Hereford”