Word is getting around that I am leaving the Council and there are some interesting escape plan reactions.
I had agreed with my line manager that I would announce my departure at a monthly team meeting. Some colleagues were very surprised and later expressed a mixture of ‘best wishes’ and ‘a shame you’re going’. Some might be pleased to see the back of me!
Others in the Council have been affectionate, very sincere in saying I’ll be missed, through to complete surprise and curious about what I’ll be doing and why this is happening at the grand old age of 56.
It was perhaps the reactions from my outside providers which has particularly struck me. Even though I have a little over two months to go, I have been very flattered by the emails which have been sent to me.
Today, a formal letter
The letter I received today was very to-the-point. No messing around with warm, flowery language. Instead a letter spelling out my holiday entitlement and a reminder to return my iPhone, laptop and iPad.
This letter really has brought it home now, no turning back!
Almost doing things for the last time
I need to advise my Mother not to buy me any more business clothes for Christmas or my birthday. Ever! That feels so good! I haven’t quite got to the stage of doing my last batch of ironing, unfortunately.
I have a couple of procurement projects to sort out while I’m still there, always nice spending other people’s money! I have no shortage of things to do, I like to stay well occupied and busy but I hope it will ease up towards the end.
Seems so strange
Over the years I have seen many colleagues approach retirement. Some have approached it with complete glee and heading off into the sunset (well, to the Spanish apartment). For others it represents the acceptance of poor health and a loss of their career-long routine and social life.
Now it is nearly my turn. I have longed for this over the years but never wanted to wish my life away. It feels so strange, perhaps almost emotional with a mixture of sadness and yet pure delight as the next chapter of life which will soon open!