Pensions for children might not be the most exciting demand on your money but it is worth taking that step. Continue reading “Pensions for children”
Month: June 2018
The importance of pocket money
You can easily think of pocket money as being childish, something you call money and give to your children when they are young. Not only that but for us as adults too and I have wanted to blog about the importance of pocket money for a while now. Continue reading “The importance of pocket money”
Home to Istanbul?

I like daydreaming of places I’d like to travel to. Perhaps home to Istanbul? Mostly this is where I like to get there under my own steam or at least to get there fairly independently. As much as I love flying, there is a certain “something” to the satisfaction of arriving in some faraway place on your own. Continue reading “Home to Istanbul?”
Why keeping an open mind is important

One of the things I learnt about in my work with offenders was why keeping an open mind is important. In group work sessions we used a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approach in teaching problem solving skills and this included trying to avoid automatically making assumptions and thinking through lots of different ways of dealing with a problem. Continue reading “Why keeping an open mind is important”
Should Christians be tolerant?
This is all about whether Christians should be tolerant towards each other and to others. Recently I was walking back from town and I bumped into a couple of fellow church members. I unplugged by earbuds and we said “hi” to each other and then a short but interesting conversation started…. Continue reading “Should Christians be tolerant?”
Holding our nerve

Heading rapidly towards early retirement on the strength of taking my pension early and counting the pennies behind the sofa, is a testing time. Together we have to be holding our nerve, as they say. Continue reading “Holding our nerve”
The best and worst of the NHS
This week has been extraordinary in experiencing what could be the best and worst of the NHS. So, getting straight in…..
The worst
As I was discharged from hospital, I was told my prostate operation would be done as a matter of urgency. Continue reading “The best and worst of the NHS”