Today is the day, I’m retired! My escape plan has run its course, I’ve been into work and I’ve had my final meeting, handed back my ICT equipment, had a brief meeting with my manager and enjoyed a leaving ‘do’ at lunchtime.
I had already said my farewells to a number of colleagues last Friday at the main Council offices before having the last few days off work as annual leave. This morning I drove into the local Council office, arrived, realised I had forgotten my glasses and had to drive home rather quickly to collect them (I can’t function at work without them)!
First up was chairing a two hour meeting which I just about bumbled my way through, it’s amazing how much I’d forgotten in the last few days. Next was a bit of a surprise with everyone disappearing, back to various work stations to do their work and I was left sitting in the meeting room on my own. I replied to an email and logged off. Before too long 1:00pm arrived and there was a nice gathering of Council colleagues together with a handful of outside contractors.
We nibbled away at the lovely buffet (so chuffed at my colleagues for doing this), I managed to get around to chat to just about everyone and then my manager said a few words. These words included thanking me for what I’d done and mentioned how one or two people had said I hadn’t been there long enough to deserve a leaving ‘do’!!!! Although I have been there since January 2016, most of my colleagues had been there for many, many years.
I had been looking forward to saying a few words myself. I thanked everyone for coming, I read the retirement poem by one of my friends (Brian), went through a little list of things I would miss (some were slightly tongue-in-cheeck) and this was a reminder about the point of the whole team. This is not about being a money circulating machine for the Council but instead delivering education to many people who are very disadvantaged. In my work I had been fortunate enough to see many students who had told me how life-changing it was for them and I suspect this will always be with me. I thanked my colleagues for all their support and for putting up with me. By way of compensation I presented everyone with a mug which was personalised for the team, complete with logos! My friend Paul had sourced these for me (thanks Paul!) and I hope everyone was pleased.
People were kind and generous. I have some Amazon and John Lewis vouchers to treat myself to something, so that’s something to look forward to. Gradually people drifted away, some stayed and chatted and I helped clear up. I met with my manager and handed back my iPhone, iPad, laptop, key fob and ID security card. I asked about references, since I might like to do some voluntary work and this would, of course, be okay. Some said they’d like to stay in touch, that’ll be nice.
And that was that.
I drove home in sweltering heat (today must be the hottest day of this heat wave). Rachel and I had a cup of tea on the patio. I read through the various cards and pondered the various messages. This really has happened!
And now the next chapter in life begins….