Tale of the monkey puzzle investment

Tale of the monkey puzzle investment
Tale of the monkey puzzle investment

The tale of the Monkey Puzzle investment. In our front garden we have a Money Puzzle tree.  We think it is about 40 years old and about 20 feet tall.  We love it!   The tree is quite a feature in our front garden and when we give someone directions to our house, we often say “look out for the monkey puzzle tree on the left”. Continue reading “Tale of the monkey puzzle investment”

Things I’ve learned from my career

Recently I came across The Retirement Manifesto blog.  The writer is an American called Fritz and is a little ahead of me in terms of early retirement.  He wrote a piece about his retirement speech where he listed his six lessons learned during his 33 year career.  It is well worth reading and there are many points I completely agree with.  In fact, I read the whole post to Rachel who very much liked it! Things I’ve learned from my career

That got me thinking.  What lessons have I learned?  Here goes….

1.  Seek a job/career with a purpose

Make sure you follow a career path where it will be of some use in society.  This can be incredibly wide-ranging.  Some will believe they have some kind of “calling” because of their beliefs, their convictions or matters of conscience.   Continue reading “Things I’ve learned from my career”