Another urinary tract infection. Yes, yet another UTI. I hate being ill and as I have previously confessed I am not a very patient patient. This time I’m trying a different approach although it is a little risky. Is it a case of cranberry juice to the rescue? Or is that an ‘old wives’ tale? Continue reading “Cranberry juice to the rescue?”
Month: February 2019
Flippin flow test

Well perhaps I should have known this wasn’t going to go to plan and really I am still getting used to this hospital patient lark. Yep it’s Sunday lunchtime, we currently have the most beautiful sunny weather outside and I’m stuck at the Urology department awaiting a flippin flow test. I really should learn to be a more patient patient. Continue reading “Flippin flow test”
Halfbike is going well
After a slightly hesitant start, I am pleased to report that my fun on the Halfbike is going well. I have used it quite a few times locally and have been a tad more adventurous in going a little further. I’m really enjoying it! Plus I’ve leant it to my friend Bryan, after my friends Paul and Steve have each had a little go on it. Continue reading “Halfbike is going well”
Latest portraits

I thought I’d post my recent portraits. As you know I like people. Now I am just starting to think about where I should go with doing some portraits of people I come to know. Continue reading “Latest portraits”
At the interpreters

Ever since I left Probation, I have had the honour of returning to support the interpreters with their training. To be a little more specific, the local not-for-profit organisation concerned is also a mini college where people are able to train for their Diploma in Public Service Interpreting and each year I continue to assist. Continue reading “At the interpreters”
Silverfit – very worthwhile charity in London

Once again, being approached by folk who have found my blog makes blogging all the more interesting. Most recently is an organisation called Silverfit and this is how it goes. Continue reading “Silverfit – very worthwhile charity in London”
Why I’m teetotal

A few years ago I posted the article below about why I’m teetotal on one of my other blogs. It has had thousands of hits from all around the world. As it is something I feel strongly about, I decided to repost it here. Please feel free to comment regardless of whether you agree with me or not.