I do like a bit of frugal, thrifty living going on these days, it helps eek out our modest income and is a bit of fun turning unwanted things into cash. So here’s a few examples of current decluttering and turning unwanted trash into something worthwhile. I would never have believed there is a demand out there for old rusty screws and toothpaste……
It was Rachel who came across these old rusty screws in the cellar of her Mum’s house. She posted them on eBay and to my amazement someone has bought them for a fiver. Can you believe it, someone wants these old screws and nails and wants to pay good money for them? Well it’s true and there are plenty more there.
Rachel couldn’t resist asking the buyer why he wanted them and what they were going to be used for. Apparently they’re for his man cave and where he wants that ‘older’ look in putting up some old signs on the walls. I would really love to see the finished result, I’m quite intrigued!
As for old toothpaste

My new 12 year old car needs a little bit of TLC. The acrylic headlights have become hazy and yellow over the years (apparently due to sunlight, age, pollution and so on). So a quick search on Google had me polishing them with toothpaste.
Now it wasn’t just any old toothpaste. It was Corsodyl toothpaste – something we tried and everyone of us hated. So this seemed a great use for it and arguably I now have the freshest, minty flavoured headlights in Dunstable.