As we headed into 2019 this book was being promoted by our church as a good read in the year ahead. The book itself is a day-by-day read giving a little bit of a Psalm to contemplate. At first I was, for various reasons, a bit sceptical. And now, in April, is it turning out to be a good daily companion or was I right to be sceptical? Continue reading “Book review – My Rock My Refuge by Timothy Keller”
Month: April 2019
Jolly at Urology
On Tuesday I had another appointment at Urology, in our local hospital. Turns out my case is well known in the team there! The staff recognise me now and this is how it went….. Continue reading “Jolly at Urology”
My wanderlust

A few days ago I came across this old photo. It reminds me of my natural wanderlust and I’m thinking it is being reawakened. Back in 1984 I spent a few months cycling around East Africa on a heap of junk called a second hand BSA bicycle I had as a school boy. Continue reading “My wanderlust”
Retirement can be hard work!
Well, it’s true retirement can be hard work and yet I’m absolutely loving it. While I haven’t blogged for the last week or so, I thought I might jot down a few notes…. Continue reading “Retirement can be hard work!”