This first year of retirement has been truly amazing. Nevertheless it is worth standing back and taking a look at how things are and what we still need to work on. Continue reading “First year of retirement!”
Month: July 2019
One proud Dad, but is university worth the cost?
Like thousands of other parents at this time of year, I feel immensely proud of our children. This week we have had the pleasure seeing Becky graduate from university with her BSc degree in Mathematics. Beneath the emotions and feelings of achievement and pride, we have other things to weigh up such as the cost; is it really worth it? Continue reading “One proud Dad, but is university worth the cost?”
The quickest of family updates

I am so aware how I’ve not blogged much lately. Life seems to be flashing by so fast and I know I will easily regret not jotting down a few thoughts. In recent weeks we have seen gaining a degree, an 85th birthday and some very tender times. Continue reading “The quickest of family updates”
Why Boris is not fit to be PM
I know I’ve been quiet on the blogging front lately but I can’t hold back on this. The background to all of this, for the benefit of US readers, Boris Johnson is leading in the process of the Conservative Party selecting a new leader and Prime Minister. In my view it would be a huge mistake, and this is why….. Continue reading “Why Boris is not fit to be PM”