I am so aware how I’ve not blogged much lately. Life seems to be flashing by so fast and I know I will easily regret not jotting down a few thoughts. In recent weeks we have seen gaining a degree, an 85th birthday and some very tender times.
While our youngest daughter, Hannah, works on the south coast as a sailing / water sports instructor, much has been happening in Becky’s life.
One week in June was exceptionally joyful. On successive days she had a fitting for her wedding dress, passed her degree (2.1) and with David her fiancé, collected the keys to their house in Exeter ahead of living there as a married couple soon. A couple of days later she landed a job teaching Maths. Quite a whirlwind!

We had a nice few days visiting Becky in Exeter and even managed to have a little BBQ on the beach at nearby Exmouth (I’d never been there before, I quite liked it). We all played on the beach. I had a lovely long walk with Becky, just the two of us, felt as if we had walked for miles but a lovely father-daughter time.

Early July my mother had her 85th birthday which was lovely and one where my aunt organised a nice little tea party with some of Mum’s neighbours in Weston-Super-Mare. All very twee and genteel.
Also for my mother, who has stayed with us for a few days, yesterday we drove over to the Essex coast so she could visit a friend who she did her nurse training with back in the 1950s. That was nice and I thought of my friends who I have kept up with since college days.