Apologies for my weekly update being a little late, can’t believe how fast time flies these days. Last week was a busy week but also one of those weeks where there wasn’t so much to show for it. Just a few points to share….
On Monday I saw a young man I know. I was reminded how we are all ‘wired’ differently and how awful isolation can be. It can be all-too-easy for someone in our society to retreat into their own world where it is safe and secure. And yet by retreating to where it is safe, that causes people to be cut off, to miss out on things together with the implications of simply standing still in life. So I guess for any of us, it is sometimes an effort to get moving, to get out there, but we have to believe it is always worth it, there is much more to be gained by stepping out – both for ourselves and others too.
We have been delighted by an unexpected plant in the back garden. We didn’t plant it, it simply started growing. Well, when I say growing, I really mean it’s been rampaging! At first we though it was a courgette (which we have grown before) but as it grew bigger we now believe it might be a pumpkin.

We got excited when this lovely flower appeared but then our hopes were dashed when our new resident black squirrel was seen helping himself to said flower. Still trying to think of a name for our black squirrel, so suggestions are welcome.
But we are cross with the black squirrel as he seems to have evicted our friendly Cyril the Squirrel after a few quarrels and chases. At first we thought they were just being playful by running all over the shed, the trees and the new pagoda. Alas no, it seems the black squirrel was on a mission!

Wednesday morning was fun. It was my turn to volunteer in The Way coffee house here in Dunstable.
I do this a couple of times each month and my shift always seem to coincide with the place being invaded by all these ladies! In fact the queue at one point was much, much longer and is quite a talking point. In they come, hot foot from their midweek meeting and simply invade the otherwise little coffee shop. Trying to remember how Mrs Smith likes a single shot cappuccino while Miss Jones prefers cold milk in her Americano is a bit of a challenge sometimes. Actually it’s good fun, although I did have to explain about this to one of the other customers who was taken aback with the influx.
Thursday was a bit mixed and a difficult day for me. I had an appointment at the hospital concerning my kidneys (see post set to publish tomorrow on 1 October) which didn’t turn out as expected. Straight after that was the board meeting of a local charity I’m involved with, followed by our AGM.
The AGM had our local MP scheduled as the guest speaker and with all of the current political turmoil we weren’t sure if he would come along. I had volunteered to be a Plan B and I was going to share the anecdotal story of the Chinese Prison delegation visiting us in Probation.
In the end our MP did come (and I wondered WHY with all that was going on) and therefore Plan B wasn’t required. However the Chair asked if I could still go ahead and speak for about 10 minutes. That’s another story on its own.
I felt a little upset (but didn’t show it) as people said “hello, how are you Doug?”. Naturally I said I was fine but actually I was feeling a bit stunned following my hospital appointment. I felt a bit preoccupied but tried to cover it up.
We seemed to drive for a thousand miles on Friday but it was only to Shrewsbury and back. Hannah had bought herself a windsurfing kit on eBay and it was much cheaper for us to drive over and collect it. She’s got a nice board and it’s complete with the harness, mast and a 5.5 metre sail.
I did a Parkrun first thing Saturday morning, on Dunstable Downs. My friend Dave drove me there, picking up Rosie on the way. Although I missed a PB, I felt as if the run went as well as I would have expected. I ran it in 27 or 28 minutes and I was pleased.
Most of the way around, a fellow runner and I kept overtaking each other and we were almost side by side as we were about 100 yards from the finish. She was slightly ahead and I was closing in on her, so I shouted out “don’t let me overtake you” and she sprinted ahead of me. Once we both finished, she came over and shook my hand, saying thank you.
I think there must have been about 11 or 12 of us from church there. We aren’t co-ordinated in anyway, it just happened. I came more or less in the middle.