I like being busy. None of us know how long we have left and so I like to make sure each day counts for something (although lately I don’t always succeed). I am hoping for another 40 years but we never truly know and that’s why it’s important to do the best we can in life, making the most of the ‘here and now’.
Some of the things happening this last week…..
Had a flu vaccine and went down with a cold. Yes it happened to me! You wouldn’t believe the fuss involved in trying to see if I was entitled to a vaccine courtesy of the NHS. Apparently I’m not, so I had it done in Sainsbury’s and ended up almost undressing as my shirt was too tight(!).
Visited Grandma for her eye drops.
We did some preparations for my mother coming to stay tomorrow afternoon. She keeps us on our toes! A kind of Hyacinth Bouquet preparation required with everything needing to be “just so”.
Art in the morning. I did a drawing of Helen Mirren, just a quick sketch, nothing serious. Took some photos of other artists and their work for the church Twitter feed and to show my friend Brian. I just have to be careful which account is live when I Tweet something critical about my MP (note to self…..).
Mum arrived, now preferring me to reverse her car up the driveway so she can simply go forward when it’s time to leave.
Hire car got delivered. Quite a nippy little Vauxhall Corsa, complete with a few toys (I liked being able to sync my phone with the snazzy audio system and screen).
Eye drops for Grandma again. Volunteering in The Way Coffee House for the morning and the complete bedlam as the Ladies Meeting finishes! There are two elderly ladies who come in sometimes, nothing to do with the Ladies meeting, they just come in for a bit of harmless flirting, as well as a coffee it seems. Mum was floating around in the background.
Then off to the Inspire group, a group for unemployed and disadvantaged local people where Rachel was helping out. Shone a spotlight on Christians Against Poverty and I then talked through solving problems. Naturally more time would have been better. Quite fun having my mum in tow!
Back home in time for my car being taken away on a lorry for repair. I felt a little sad seeing it loaded onto the back of a lorry and how they were dismissive about touching up one or two other areas of paintwork. Never mind, it’s only a car.
More eye drops for Grandma who seems to be enjoying the extra attention. Off to Ashridge in the hire car with mum for a nice pleasant walk. A very special place.
Mum went in the morning, she is always apprehensive about driving so far but she does it very well.
We were excited at the thought of Hannah coming home from college and Becky & David coming to stay. Seemed funny to think the last time Becky walked out of our house she was single and in her wedding dress. Now she was coming back in as a married woman. Lovely, I’m so proud of her.
My car is returned with its new bumper and spotlessly clean all over. Called the hire company to ask them to collect the hire car following day.
David and I decided to do the Dunstable Downs Parkrun, nice way of starting the day. David’s run was quite impressive in finishing several minutes ahead of me. For myself, my time was 27:57, just 10 seconds off my PB. Mind you, one my friends (Paul) ran alongside of me most of the way around. He let me go ahead as we approached the finish line but managed to zoom a head at the right moment, thus beating me. It was a thoroughly enjoyable run nevertheless and I did appreciate his company as we plodded our way around. He’s a couple of years older than me, lighter and fitter. Something to aim for, Doug!
For the afternoon we went to Pitstone windmill, followed by Ashridge. All very nice.

Becky surprised and delighted me when she said she had ordered a Nikon SLR camera and wanted to use my old lenses. I was even more delighted when I found them in exactly the right place in our crowded loft. Will be interesting to see what she does with them…..
T’was nice going to church with my family, all of us together. We went to see Grandma afterwards for the eye drop routine and really are passed he stage where she needs the drops and it’s just a kind of comforting thought that we are there so often.
I think each one of us felt a little empty as David and Becky headed off, back to their home in Exeter but I’m pleased they are happy and reachable.