I bet you’re intrigued at the title of this weekly update – from Urology. Well, I had a 6 month check up at the Urology Department in the hospital, to make sure the plumbing is all ticketety-boo. I think it’s as good as it is going to get but time will tell.
I might as well get this bit over with first. It is almost a year ago when I had an operation to reduce the size of my prostate. It’s a man thing. Until that operation took place I had an indwelling catheter plumbed in for 7 months; as you can imagine this was rather unpleasant.
Since then the plumbing has been okay I think, but I still seem to be on their books and haven’t been discharged. The Urology Doctors are now talking to the Kidney Doctors which is probably a good thing and I never know quite how they divide their responsibilities with these two interconnecting specialisms.
Anyway, the upshot is that I am to have a couple of scans soon. The first is a simple ultrasound and the second is another scan involving a dye which can be seen making its way through my kidneys into my bladder.
While I know I’m always going to be an active patient with my kidneys for the rest of my life, I was hoping to have the urology bit cleared up once and for all.
Other things
Quite a bit of time has been taken up on domestic things around the house, never my favourite way of using my time. “Has to be done though” I hear Rachel’s voice!
And then there is Grandma. We have agreed we will visit her daily. This is a step down from the thrice daily visits while she was needing eye drops administered. She’ll never admit it, she likes us going so often.
Running. Things seem to be going quite well on the running front. This last week I ran four times, including one very hilly route over a 10k distance. Although my pace is much slower than 4 or 5 years ago, things are looking up. The fatigue that I suffered last winter doesn’t seem to be troubling me now and so I am very hopeful, thankful too.
I also went to see a charity I have kept in touch with from my Justice days. I had an exploratory discussion about doing a little bit of short term project work having offered a “fresh pair of eyes”. While I like the idea of this, I find my mind working much slower on these things; I need more time to mull things over and this is simply proof I need to do things in order to keep my grey cells ticking over. Besides, I like it!
Hannah was back with us for her half term break, that was nice too. She lives more independently of us these days but it is nevertheless nice having her about.
So a quiet-ish week in many ways but the highlight has been getting my act together in RUNNING!