Weekly update – looking ahead

Dunstable Downs in December My weekly update – looking ahead

A week of slowly winding down, for Christmas.  For the last couple of days I have felt myself sliding into hibernation, generally feeling cold.  To compound this, all this daily running has meant I have picked up a little injury.  More below….

The self inflicted injury….

In previous years when I have been training for a race, an early warning signal of doing too much is a muscle in my groin which complains, hurts and let’s me know it!  Sure enough, I have recently been aware of that and I had thought that through easing back on the mileage, that would do the trick.  Alas no.  So on Friday 20th I didn’t run at all.  That really bothered me as I’ve broken my #runeverydayindecember aim.

Today, on Saturday, I did a nearby Parkrun which is completely flat.  Man did my injury hurt!  However, as I ran slowly it seemed to improve, maybe something to do with limbering up.  Besides, I was surrounded by loads of other runners who all seemed to be heavy breathers, so I quickened the pace a little and left them behind.  Nevertheless it was a slow Parkrun but then they’re not really meant to be competitive!

Afterwards, Dave, Rosie and Paul came back for coffee and homemade toast.  That was nice.  Mind you, it did seem like a wake at times, as we reflected on such a dreadful election result (we seem to be fairly like-minded as far as politics is concerned).

Hannah & Becky

Hannah has come home from college and is poised with her suitcase packed.  This Christmas she is going to the Netherlands with one of her friends.  We have seen Becky briefly this week as she dashed back to Dunstable for two photo shoots (she has started a little sideline – see this post).

It will seem very strange having neither of them around on Christmas Day.


With blogging last year about the odd world of catheters, I have had a steady stream (!) of people getting in touch since.  It has been a nice reminder how blogging leads to all kinds of interesting interactions; people I am most unlikely to meet and yet we can gain from each other around the world.

One of the things I am determined to do early next year is to:

  1. properly set up our “office” in the spare bedroom
  2. get my MacBook working properly or invest in a new computer.  As much as I like my little iPad, it is so frustrating when it comes to formatting things or trying to change the appearance of my blog.  You just can’t click and drag in the same way compared to using a normal mouse.

Supportive communities 

On Wednesday evening I attended a Christmas dinner for the charity I am involved with, as a Trustee.  I enjoyed being seated on a table with five volunteers who I didn’t really know.

As we had to wait for 90 minutes for the first course to arrive, it gave us plenty of time for chatting.  I was reminded how valuable the community based, not-for-profit organisations are in society. Not just for the work they do, but the added value they bring to local communities.  Perhaps it is the sense of purpose, putting something back, keeping the grey cells going and all kinds of other reasons.  Most of all I like the idea of ordinary members of the community, serving others in the community: as simple as that.

Looking ahead

I love this time of year, much more than I ever used to.  I love daydreaming about how the year ahead and how it can take shape and the things we can do.

It was Rachel who commented how I have “been biding my time” a little and she is right.  Before she said that, I knew in my heart of hearts I was coasting a little.  This was partly through not knowing where I stood with my kidneys and partly because I wasn’t having to struggle with anything.

So, the year ahead.  A few initial thoughts:

  1. Kidneys; I can’t second guess what’s going to happen.  So I’m taking the consultant’s advice of just living life and not worrying about what might, or might not happen
  2. I know this already but I need to remind myself.  What I get out of life is proportionate to what I put in
  3. Travelling; although Rachel’s mum is constraining us, we can still do something if she will agree to external carers.  In the meantime I’m starting to dream of flying to California to visit my friend Dee.  While I’m there, I think I’ll hire a car and drive to Yosemite for a few days, something I’ve always wanted to do.  Might see about the Probation Department, any art groups etc too.

6 thoughts on “Weekly update – looking ahead”

  1. Just completed a week with leg catheter and found unable to pee without at the TWOC so now have supply of intermittent catheters and feeling better. Meeting with consultant end of January but not sure what next?
    Terrible week for sleep and pain and feeling drained( literally).
    Cancelled flights to Scotland for fami Christmas and avoiding usual festivities.
    Hope you have a great Christmas and New year and thanks again for the blog.

    1. Hi Bill

      I was wondering how things were for you. Really sorry to hear your TWOC didn’t go to plan but pleased to hear the self catheters worked alright for you.

      Did you see the recent post on intermittent self catheterisation? Hope this might help. You might also have seen Kevin’s comments where he has had a challenging time?

      Also I’m really sorry to hear all this has got in the way of spending time with your family and enjoying Christmas in the usual way. Here’s hoping things get better soon and I’m sure things will settle as you get used to things, just don’t worry about it too much!

      By the way, has your kidney function been checked?

      And of course, very best wishes for Christmas.

      1. Thanks Doug,
        No I hadn’t seen the other bits and again it all helps.
        Various bloods taken on 13th not sure about kidneys. Next appointment on 20th Jan with consultant . Still getting used to the intermittent process but feeling better so far and taking it easy. No golf for a while! ( course has been closed due to rain anyway)
        Enjoy the holidays.

        1. You too Bill, hope all goes well for you. Best wishes also for the outcome of your blood tests. Keep me posted either here for via email!


        2. Wishing you both and all your readers Doug a very merry Xmas

          I hope you both have a great and healthy start to 2020

          Your blog is very helpful Doug

          Warm regards Kevin

          1. Thanks Kevin and all good wishes to you. Here’s hoping things settle down for you in the new year, onwards and upwards, as they say!

            Kind regards


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