Few thoughts for the year ahead

  • Note to self – the more you put in, the more you get from life.  I need to remind myself of this, so I don’t coast or drift.  I now absolutely love this reflective time of year, in the coziness of a nice warm house.  So, a few fairly random bullet points for the year ahead.
  • decluttering my own papers and belongings – I don’t have a great deal of my own “stuff” but I know  it can be slimmed down further
  • decluttering the loft / attic and the garage – this is a huge challenge!  The “stuff” isn’t my “stuff” at all and it will need some careful negotiation
  • working on being the best husband I can be.  Just because we have been married since 1996 it doesn’t mean I should be complacent or take things for granted in anyway
  • getting our home office properly set up – I like the idea of having a separate room for working.  When I say working, I mean writing, blogging, drawing etc.
  • decorating the hallway, stairs and landing – next in turn and I’m a bit tired of the magnolia paint these days.  Am I the only one who now loathes that kind of colour scheme?
  • setting up my Digital Dunstable group – I’ve had this in mind for a while.  I’m hoping to bring some website and blog owners together.  A kind of self-help group and perhaps to bring people together into the real world
  • Dunstable shopkeeper project – this is where I’d like to document the changing High Street scene by making a record of how it is.  I have in mind a website as a minimum which might become of greater value over the years.  I feel inclined to pass it over to the Town Council or some other body once complete.  Is this the right thing to do?  Is it best to be a low-key project, or perhaps to seek funding for some grander?  Should I involve local photographers or just do it all myself?
  • buying a camera – as much as I like the simple camera in my iPhone, I’m tempted to buy a new one.  Probably a decent compact.  I’m open to suggestions!
  • activate doughook.com website – I bought the domain name a few years ago and haven’t done anything with it.  I fancy using it for posting drawings and photographs.  I need to be careful aim not confused with the American artist, also called Doug Hook
  • invite some relations to visit us – a few of our distant relations weren’t able to come along to the wedding earlier this year
  • build up the post Parkrun social stuff – coffee and home made toast at our house afterwards
  • visit the Netherlands and run or cycle along some of the long dykes
  • visiting my Mum more often – we see each other every month but I think it should be more frequent
  • visit Dee in California – at the time of writing, this is an idea Dee and I have.  Nothing firm arranged as yet.  While I’m there, I’d like to visit Yosemite for a couple of days
  • go to South Africa with my family – this is David and Becky’s suggestion.  David was born there and his mother is South African and so that is the connection
  • making the most of being a FRSA and how I can best contribute – this is something a little mysterious at present.  I have been involved with a project prior to becoming a fellow and indirectly in another which was outside of the RSA itself.  More to follow on this.

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