Review of 2019

Review of 2019: I love the idea of looking back over the year, to be grateful for the many blessings in life.  I know this is a bit self-indulgent, however it’s a good thing to reflect on the highs and lows of the year.  I’m not expecting this to ever become one of my top blog posts!

My health is probably about the same.  I have more energy and I understand more about where I stand with my kidneys.  Getting a written apology from my Doctor for having not diagnosing the problem has helped me.  Having said that, I don’t yet know what the future looks like.  More to follow in March 2020 when I have my next checkup at the hospital.

Fitness is something which has improved.  This time last year I was very fatigued and tired much of the time.  Barely any running or cycling.  Now things have improved and I’m fitter, my recovery between runs isn’t as quick as I’d like – perhaps this is simply a matter of age?  My running everyday in December hasn’t worked.  I ran on 21 (or more) consecutive days and now have painful hips.  I’ll get through this.

A family highlight was Becky’s wedding in August and welcoming David into the family.  This was such a wonderful event for us all.  I felt so proud of Becky as I walked her up the aisle and reflected on all that she means to us.  I could easily remember so many things from her childhood and we are thankful for so many tender memories.

For Hannah it has been quite a tough year.  A year ago she was slogging it out at Plas Menai and this work mentally dragged her down in the winter time.  It was bleak.  In the summer she worked near Portsmouth and has since returned to college.  She too is becoming more independent nowadays and that’s nice to see.

My mother-in-law has become increasingly frail and needy.  This necessitates daily visits nowadays and this has curtailed some of our adventures and yet this is the right thing to do.  My mother carries on remarkably well, considering her age.

I enjoyed the prison art project and it was a success, although it didn’t quite go to plan and that’s another story!  Nevertheless a worth while thing to do.
Still with art, some other arty things have been interesting and quite rewarding but I feel I’m still getting up to speed with my own talent. The Tuesday Art group is one where I feel my attention and time are needed by some others and it’s not really a place for me to do any art.  That’s the way it is, for more heavenly reasons, if you get the drift.  I tell people how I failed my Art O’Level at school and how this is “unfinished business….”

Rachel has been right in saying how I have been “biding my time”.  She knows me well and she hit the nail on the head.  But I already knew that, in my heart of hearts.  That will hopefully spur me on for the year ahead.  I appreciate Rachel’s wisdom and insight more than ever.

In terms of our finances, we think we are okay and our skilled financial advisors agree.  As we say this, we are aware how we have spent a little more money during this last year than we had originally planned.  We are financing our early retirement through a mixture of Rachel’s modest earnings (all tax free), drawing on our savings and moving money in and out of my private pension.  In a couple of years my private pension will be exhausted and so we will then activate my occupational pension.  We live a modest lifestyle and feel incredibly fortunate.

A few regrets from this last year….

  • I had a little bump in my car
  • I haven’t cycled very much
  • I haven’t started my Digital Dunstable group yet
  • Not started, or done anything, towards my Dunstable Shopkeeper project
  • the house still needs decluttering
  • I haven’t visited my mother as much as I should
  • I haven’t had my MacBook repaired yet
  • I haven’t…… there’s a pattern forming here!

The highlights….

  • feeling very fortunate, appreciative of life
  • health seems reasonably stable
  • some very precious family times
  • finances are on track
  • we have had more friends around for a meal than ever before
  • as ever, I’m so optimistic about the coming New Year!



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