Recently I have encountered a couple of Range Rovers while I’ve been running through the quiet country lanes near Dunstable. This prompted me to revisit a previous blog post (on another site) from 2013. Unbeknown to me at the time, it became my most popular blog post with over 28,000 hits even though it was a spoof. So here it is again:
This is a bit of a departure from my normal blog posts but please bear with me. Besides, if you’re a runner yourself this might strike a chord.
Through my running and cycling I have encountered a few Range Rovers and have learnt to be wary of them. Especially black ones. Especially black ones with black windows. They don’t seem to drive in a normal way where everyone blends in and co-operates with each other. Not so with Range Rovers. No. Not at all.
Who drives a Range Rover?
- drug dealers
- celebrities
- “new money” people (i.e. Lottery winners)
- Royal protection officers / other Government vehicles
- hit men
- (from summer 2013) our friend Dave. He’s none of the above, that we know of. Instead he’s really nice and he helps us out with our various computer problems.
How they drive
How I react
And then the other day…..
I was out running the other day along a country lane. It was a fairly narrow lane and as I heard a vehicle coming from behind I took a look. Seeing as it was one of these Black Range Rovers, I naturally jumped up onto a grassy bank to let it pass by. I was amazed at how carefully the Range Rover had slowed down and courteously avoided me. Even more so when I realised it was driven by an ordinary looking young woman who gave me the sweetest smile and a little wave.
That made me smile as well. An obscene, ridiculous car driven by a nice pleasant looking person, not a stuck up tough-guy on bling wheels. Had I been maligning Range Rover drivers all along? Are they all decent people driving tasteful, impressively purposeful cars bought with their small change? No of course not.
But there is at least one decent Range Rover driver out there. Unless you know different…..
Footnote – I knew a chap called Angus when I worked for the blummin Council. He had a black Range Rover AND a personalised registration number plate. Actually he was a very nice man, I liked him a lot. So too our friend Dave K who has kindly helped us with computer issues. So there are some very nice Range Rover drivers out there!
My mother and I were just road-bullied by a woman in a black Range Rover, who honked at us aggressively for waiting at a red light and then pulled over to swear at us, thereby confirming all our prejudices about people in black range rovers.
Hi Cmw
Sorry to hear of your nasty experience, I hope you and your mother are okay.
Sadly it is true that many Range Rovers are driven aggressively, especially when painted black, and they also intimidate other drivers. I’m sure these drivers are unhappy, unfulfilled people, so let’s hope they see the light.