I’ve been to see one of my friends. He’s a photographer and unsurprisingly we got talking cameras, especially as I’m in the market for one (I have some money in my pocket money account which is a tad bored).
Before I get bogged down with all this camera chit chat, I feel I should praise the little camera in my iPhone. Most of the photos on my blog were taken with my phone, so it’s a tough act to follow and I’m not 100% convinced I’ll be producing better photos with a fancy camera.
For now I’m thinking a new camera ought to have the following features:
- be fairly compact as I don’t fancy lugging around an expensive, heavy load of kit
- fairly cheap, not too expensive. Under £500 would be nice
- have a view finder which I can use without having to faff around with my glasses, or struggle to see the screen in bright daylight
- have Wi-fi and easily upload photos to iCloud
- be of reasonable quality
- not be too fiddly to use
- possibly have interchangeable lenses. I like wide angle lenses (something like 24mm in old 35mm format equivalent) and also a “portrait” lens such as a 100mm (again, in old 35mm equivalent).
We quickly got talking about the technicalities and I quickly got bogged down. I heard all about the merits of Lightroom, Photoshop and the like.
Well I’m not sure about all of that messing around. I quite like the Apple app where you can easily enhance or crop an image where I will only play with it for 20 seconds and save it forever as it is. That’s fine for me, I get some nice photos.
So I went off feeling a bit bewildered.
Stop press!
This morning I popped into John Lewis, I happened to be nearby in MK. There were a couple of LUMIX cameras which met the above criteria and the deal was clinched when the Partner (the store’s lingo for their staff) said he had one of the cameras I was looking at with £50 off because of a tatty box. So I got it for £377 – not bad for something that started off at £599. This just goes to prove how often having a chat with a salesperson can often pay off; Amazon is all very well but I do appreciate being able to handle the cameras, ask questions and bag a bargain.
I’m really looking forward to having a play but I still feel daunted about playing with Raw files, tinkering with JPEGs and so on. I need a crash course in how to handle all of this.
Actually, instead of being daunted, I should be doing some self-talk and say how exciting this can be! I could be opening up a whole new world!
Hi Doug,
Similarly I rediscovered the camera thing recently & have invested on an Olympus https://www.cliftoncameras.co.uk/Olympus-OM-D-E-M10-Mark-III-with-14-42-EZ-Lens-and-40-150mm-R-Lens/camera-colour/Black
My first major project is to try & secure some photos of the Northern Lights ( not totally on my control)!
I’m even blogging about it all.
Hi Tim
Thanks and I’ve just seen your new website – looks fun and I need to come back to it and have a proper look around.
Northern Lights eh? Must be on everyone’s bucket list but few get to see. Nice camera kit is that Olympus, so I’ll expect to see some great things!
Although I’ve now switched to lugging around a Canon DSLR, I treated myself to a LUMIX shortly into retirement. It took some great shots; I loved the zoom lens, connectivity with my phone and I could slip it into my pocket. Great choice!
Thanks for endorsing my choice. Looks like you’ll be some doing weight lifting with a DSLR. As with Tim in the above comment, I expect to see some great photos now!