Another busy week as I continue to struggle with balancing my time on things. This seems to be my biggest challenge of my retirement so far. Never mind that, there’s some positive stuff going on.
Kidneys – latest checkup
On Monday I had my latest meeting with the kidney specialist in the hospital. I ran there, nonstop, j
ust under 3 miles and felt very virtuous as I jogged past the smoking shelter with patients and staff puffing away.
Next I ran up the stairs to Zone E, checked in and sat down. In no time I got called through for my weight and blood pressure to be checked ahead of seeing the consultant.
“I bet my blood pressure is gonna be sky high” I said to the nurse as she wrapped the arm cuff on me. The machine whirred.
”You might be surprised, 113 over 79, that’s quite good. Mind you, your pulse is a bit fast, perhaps you walked up the stairs?”
I didn’t bother to say I’d run all the way.
The kidney consultant told me my eGFR readings are stable and have been for the last two check ups, just a little fluctuation. We discussed the perils of urinary tract infections and how she would write to my Doctor, advising they do not delay giving me antibiotics if I think I have another infection.
We also discussed my occasional fatigue and tiredness which can bring me to a grinding halt. She concluded my Vitamin D needed boosting (kidney related apparently) and would issue me with a prescription.
”Are you sending me somewhere warm for sun bathing?” I asked, somewhat optimistically
”No I’m afraid not, it’s a different kind of Vitamin D but you can still sun bathe if you like”
I will next be seen in May. Before that appointment I need to have another ultrasound scan, just to keep an eye on my kidneys and the plumbing.
So pretty positive I thought. On Thursday I went to the dentist for my 6 monthly check. All okay, no treatment needed but had the usual pep talked about cleaning in between my teeth.
Our perception is the UK Government has been slow to react. Normally the measured, considered approach from Parliament and Whitehall is just right. Now I’m thinking they could have been a little quicker with screening folk returning from overseas in the early days. But we are where we are.
We have resisted partaking in this hysterical hoarding of toilet rolls, hand sanitiser and the like. Partly because we always have good supplies of groceries in the house and we don’t want to add to the madness out there.
We had an email from our Independent Financial Advisors a few days ago, pointing out that the equity markets have been hit and the collective portfolios will have had a battering because of the Coronavirus. Bonds should be holding up though. It was a kind of “steady as we go” email and not one recommending any action other than sitting tight.
Well the car is fixed with a new driveshaft and something else to do with the suspension. I do like that car for being such an “uncool” car. A Toyota Avensis has to be amongst the most boring cars around, especially in grey!
Our social life is way behind (sorry everyone) as we need to fix a date with a number of people.
Parkrun yesterday was fine, not my fastest but I still felt pretty good afterwards. My time was 26:55 and my position was 64th out of 233 runners. Even more encouraging was coming in 4th in my age group of 55-59. Wahoo! I still think highly of Parkruns and their concept – volunteers, not a race, you can walk if you want, completely free and nothing to do with Public Health or the Government.