Just a few quick thoughts while things are fresh in my mind. I have a feeling many of us will look back on these days almost as a 9/11 moment – we will always remember this unfolding.
I think today is Wednesday.
On Monday we had the announcement from the Prime Minister that the Government’s strategy was suddenly changing; this was the start of us retreating. We were stunned, so much so I was preoccupied and didn’t go to my yoga class – I have subsequently been fined £3! Besides, I wasn’t sure if it was wise to attend or not.
Also on Monday I remember the weather was bright and sunny. I went for a run along the Grand Union canal. I did 7 miles and was quite tired towards the end. My average pace was slow at 9:30mins/mile but it was so good. I took the above photo of the only narrow boat which was on the move and couldn’t help thinking how you could do a lot worse in self isolating on a boat, providing you have plenty of fuel, water and groceries of course.
Towards the end of the afternoon, at Rachel’s suggestion, we went up onto the Downs. We saw all of those paragliders – 8 in total – and we wondered if they were “working at home” or whether it represented the ultimate self-isolation.
On Tuesday we agreed our strategy for buying food and minimising social contact. We occasionally use a little frozen food place that’s never busy. We can buy fresh food, milk and other groceries from the village shop, knowing there will only be a couple of customers in there at most.
So we did just that and filled my mother-in-law’s freezer to bursting point and this is the overflow from our own at home.
We needed to swap a radio in Luton and then home for the rest of the day. We made contact with a couple of elderly neighbours and I painted a fence panel in the front garden.
Already it seems strange having such little contact with friends and we have cancelled a number of get-togethers with friends. Church is also cancelled together with every single group, meeting, service, and also the Coffee House. It will be interesting to see how things are kept going and I suspect some staff are beavering away trying to come up with the right tech solution alongside the more personal pastoral care which goes on. The foodbank will remain open.
I expressed to a friend something about this virus possibly bringing the best out in people. It’s a chance to step outside our social reserves, an opportunity to reset a few things in society. A chance to rally around and care for each other in our community. My friend thought I was bonkers, “everyone for themselves” was the implication.
I cannot accept that; we must look out for each other.