It is about five weeks since our Lockdown started; we hear on the news about this being ‘new normal’. Apologies for this quick post, no pithy remarks, just a quick summary of a few things going on.
In terms of the ‘new normal’…. I have been contemplating this and while okay for now, find it hard to swallow in the longer term. So for now, we keep ourselves occupied quite nicely.
We have enjoyed getting our garden, front and back, up to scratch. I understand more than ever about the therapeutic benefits of pottering in a garden. Of course there’s always more to do but we can enjoy it as it is. The glorious weather has been a real impetus and as always, I prefer it even warmer.
We have taken advantage of the warm, sunny weather with a spring clean, washing curtains etc and it is quite funny seeing all of the extra washing lines springing up in the garden. Thankfully the pigeons have kept their distance!
Visiting Rachel’s mum continues on a daily basis and this is good for us to get out of the house and drive the 13 mile round trip. We had the excitement of having to buy more petrol this last week, first time for absolutely ages!
I have noticed the roads becoming busier each day. Yesterday (Sunday) was no different to normal when driving through the town and I just wondered how many of the young cool blokes in their cool convertible cars were actually making essential journeys.

I have really enjoyed a few runs this week and on Saturday I managed to run up Hollicks Hill without needing to walk – first time I’ve done that in a few years. Mind you, I was absolutely exhausted when I got up it, I had to stop and get my breath back. It’s not a long hill at all but I think it’s the steepest hill around here (about a 25% gradient). I remembered the times, just a few years ago, when I’d run it much faster and not have to rest at the top. Hey ho.
We try to anchor ourselves on routines and I always like to instantly know what day it is. Our virtual church service is becoming quite slick these days and so nice seeing familiar faces take part. Our church home group takes place on a Tuesday evening via Zoom and, for what it is, is going well.
The blummin Council called again yesterday, asking if I needed any help with shopping etc. Rachel took the call, saying we were fine for now but just keeping the option there for us. It does seem quite comical at present. I did wonder if they could let me have a spare Apple computer but I don’t suppose that’s what they had in mind!
Each evening I call my mother for a chat. She is really missing us and is scheming to try and get me to drive to Weston to see her. “If I do, I’m breaking the Lockdown rules” is my response, albeit more diplomatically but the message is “we have to be patient, Mother!”.
Everyday I try to call someone for a chat and I quite enjoy catching up with friends. Thankfully I’m not aware of anyone going down with the virus.
So, is this the new normal? The Government are hinting it will be for the time being. That’s fine. We all have to play our part and we are content, thankful and well provided for. We will get through this but we have to play by the rules. I am quite enjoying the simpler, less complicated way of life but it has it’s limitations which would not be doing me, or anyone, much good in the longer term. I can feel a blog post brewing about “when all this is over….”