It is a while since I published any guest blog posts, although I often do get asked. So to correct this, here is a very topical and relevant article on skin care from Isabella Lovett, a talented writer.
Approximately 50% of melanoma skin cancers are currently being diagnosed in individuals over the age of 65, with the incidence increasing by 45% in the UK over the past 10 years. While decreasing your skin cancer risk is undoubtedly a huge advantage, it is not the only reason you should look after your skin as you age. Though following a decent skincare regime will not miraculously make all your lines, wrinkles, and age spots disappear, it will help you to ward off the signs of ageing to a satisfactory degree. There are a number of things both men and women older than 50 can do to keep their skin healthy and radiant looking for as long as possible.
Stop smoking
Although this is definitely easier said than done, kicking your smoking habit to the curb could be one of the best decisions you have ever made. Extensive research has found that smoking damages a lot more than just your lungs. The toxins found in tobacco can lead to a common condition known as smoker’s face. Some of the most common signs of smoker’s face include a very dry and lackluster complexion, the premature appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, a reduction in skin elasticity, and leathery skin. Smoking has also been found to increase the risk of skin cancer thanks to the tobacco acting as a skin carcinogen.
Protect your skin from the sun
Apart from causing premature wrinkling and age spots, the sun’s UV rays are also the number one cause of skin cancer. Even if you already have sun-damaged skin it is never too late to start wearing sun protection. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when you plan to go outside and also wear clothing that can offer further protection. Sunglasses that offer UV protection can help protect your eyes while a wide-rimmed sun hat can protect your face against an onslaught from the sun. Due to the prevalence of skin cancer in older individuals, it is recommended to get an annual check-up done by a qualified dermatologist. You can also perform regular home-checks to see if you have new moles or if any pre-existing moles have changed in appearance.
Follow a healthy diet
What we eat has a direct effect on the health of our skin. Whereas a diet filled with processed carbs and copious amounts of sugar can speed up the natural signs of ageing, one that is nutrient-dense can have the exact opposite effect. Foods such as red bell peppers and leafy greens that are filled with antioxidants and Vitamin C are known to boost collagen production which can help counter the signs of ageing in a big way. Nuts and fatty fish are known to contain omega-3 fatty acids that can not only protect against damage from the sun, preserving the skin’s natural oil barrier giving it a radiant glow, and strengthening the skin cell membranes, rendering the skin more elastic.
Caring for your skin as you age is of vital importance. Not only will good skincare help you look and feel younger, but it will also help decrease your risk of skin cancer.