With my latest retail rants, I’m probably sounding like Victor Meldrew. While I might be somewhat exasperated and frustrated, there’s always something nearby to restore my faith in people’s kindness.
Rant 1 – Asda
We have started to use the Asda click and collect service during Lockdown and for the most part it works well.
However, last week we ordered flaxseed and got poppy seeds instead. It is like ordering apples and getting oranges. Sure we can use probably them but we are still in need of some flaxseeds (soluble fibre, nice healthy oils etc).
Don’t Asda staff know this, or know what the differences are? Honestly! Tempted to yell “un-belieeeeee-able”.
Rant 2 – Toolstation
Also last week I bought a lock for the garage door from Toolstation.
I got it home and found the package had already been opened. It didn’t work, so I took it back. There was a notice about the store not accepting returned goods which I ignored, getting ready for saying my consumer rights haven’t been suspended.
Happily the assistant swapped it and gave me another. Got home and guess what? That too was faulty, so I returned it. Tempted with “I don’t beli-eeeeeeeeve it!”
I could tell they were thinking “we have already replaced one for you, against our current policy, can we fob him off in some way?” so I simply asked if they could show me how it worked. They were *so* surprised it didn’t work and then took one look at me before saying “I guess you’d like your money back?”
“Yes please” I said, while doing my iPhone contactless stuff
“It’ll take 5 working days before the refund is processed”
I gave her one of my looks. Refund came through quickly.
Just as I was feeling despondent
We had a knock on the door. One of our neighbours. He’s a postman but has a round in a village, so not our postman.
He handed over a parcel saying “I noticed this was in the sorting office for delivery tomorrow and I recognised it was for you, so I thought I’d bring it around for you Doug”
How outstanding, so neighbourly, kind and thoughtful. These gestures are never far away, we just have to see them. Kind of melts away any thoughts of being like Victor Meldrew, though I do feel a certain connection to him at times.
For anyone not in-the-know Victor Meldrew is the fictional grumpy old git character in the BBC sit-com ‘One foot in the grave” – see wikipedia