Regular readers will know I’m often bleating about feeling cold. My family and friends certainly know it and our gas bill brings more evidence. Often I have wondered why and recently, courtesy of Twitter, I came across this article which is worth a mention.
The article is written by Dr Julliet McGratton. She is also a fellow runner and is published on netdoctor and the link is below, at the end of the post.
So it turns out there are medical reasons as to why someone might be feeling cold all the time. These include a low basal metabolic rate, insufficient sleep and various medical conditions. If any of these apply to you, it might be worth reading the article in detail and then going along to see your GP.
Thankfully I can safely discount many of the possible reasons straight away. When I have complained about feeling cold to the kidney consultants, they’ve checked to make sure I’m not anaemic, which they tell me is an obvious issue for many patients and can often be corrected by eating more iron-rich foods. Thankfully I’m okay on this, my full blood count is all in good order.
One of the more bizarre theories has been to suggest that my wife is going through the menopause with hot flushes and this might be the reason for me feeling so cold. We know that is not the reason; enough said on that!
For myself, I have mentioned feeling cold a number of times at the hospital and nothing untoward has been identified, so I think it’s just me being me. No doubt I will continue to flick the heating on the moment Rachel heads out of the door. In our car we have dual heating for driver and passenger – this is pretty good. Even better is the heated seat cover I have on in the winter (always on BBQ mode!) and so I can sit there and sizzle to my heart’s content.
All in all a good, helpful article which is written in a user-friendly way.
Here’s the link: netdoctor – Why am I always cold? 10 medical reasons for cold intolerance