May is absolutely my favourite month in the year. Filled with hope, beautiful skies and a taste of things to come, it always uplifts me. And yet this year, it’s been so cold and wet, until now. On 30 May, I’m thinking May has finally arrived. Continue reading “Weekly update – 30 May – May has finally arrived”
Month: May 2021
Growing sprouted seeds (eating more compost sandwiches)

My latest healthy living move is growing sprouted seeds for their incredible nutritional benefits. I used to do this until a few years ago. So as I am wanting to optimise my diet, I’m ready for more compost sandwiches. Here’s how it goes. Continue reading “Growing sprouted seeds (eating more compost sandwiches)”
Red dhal to blow your brains out
I have just made a batch of red lentil dhal, guaranteed to blow your brains out. And yet it is quite easy, just a few ingredients and very healthy. Continue reading “Red dhal to blow your brains out”
Coffee routine
So my coffee routine. Actually I flit around and go through little phases but this is where I’m at right now. You might be a little surprised, especially as I like people to think I’m a coffee aficionado…. Continue reading “Coffee routine”
Weekly update and why my consultant says “it’s bollocks!”
Quite a nice week. Signs of returning to normal, tender times with my mother and a colourful chat with my kidney consultant. Find out what he’s been saying on Saturday…. Continue reading “Weekly update and why my consultant says “it’s bollocks!””
Weekly update – a difficult week
This has been a difficult week for me. Another UTI which has come when I’ve barely recovered from the last, sending my blood pressure way too high. My weekly update isn’t all about my woes, we are making progress with the Quirky Museum! Continue reading “Weekly update – a difficult week”
Being a counting assistant – things to love and loathe
Yet again Rachel and I have been counting assistants at the blummin Council. This time it was for the Police & Crime Commissioner election, together with a little parish election and an even smaller referendum on a local matter. Totally tedious but we find a few things to smile at…. Continue reading “Being a counting assistant – things to love and loathe”