I was thinking it was worth jotting down a few notes on the latest state of my running, while things are fresh in my mind and because it is a developing picture. There’s a mixture of good and bad.
The not-so-good things
I have lurched from one niggly injury to another. A year ago I was starting to suffer from plantar fasciitis and I finally ‘gave in’ and rested in September 2020. I went three months without running and hated it. Just as I building up some regular, mileage in January and February, another injury emerged in the other foot. I think it is tendonitis (or at least what Dr Google reckons it is). So it’s now a balancing act, do I rest completely or keep plodding on, or perhaps something else in between?
Hills. I always used to enjoy pushing myself and my favourite runs include at least one significant hill. Nowadays I’m exhausted on any incline, often having to walk and try and get my breath back.
I think my blood pressure medication is behind all of this and I’m only taking the tablets because of my kidney issues. It is likely the medication is dilating my blood vessels too much and the oxygen-laden blood just isn’t getting through to the muscles in my legs in the volume required. Currently I’m talking, via email, with my renal consultant about this and it’ll be interesting to see where this might lead, if anywhere.
My pace is quite slow these days. A “fast” run is 9:30mins/mile which actually is considerably slower than just a few years ago. More like 10mins/mile – 6mph – these days.
The absolutely brilliant things!
I am 59 going on 60. I can run for an hour or so (on the flat) and absolutely love it. I am so thankful for that!
I love what running does to my brain, my mind. My running friends will know how I love the buzz from all of the endorphins which fills my head with a dose of the Runner’s High.
I think more creatively while I’m running. I work through things, sometimes problem solving, otherwise thinking things through. Now his doesn’t really happen on a short 5 minute jog to the village shop but it certainly happens after 20 or 30 minutes.
Parkrun – these started a couple of weeks ago and I did the Dunstable Downs Parkrun last Saturday. As there’s a few little slopes, I had to walk sometimes and got a time of 30 minutes, a few minutes slower than normal. Parkruns are brilliant! I love the atmosphere, meeting up with friends afterwards and also I love the Parkrun movement as a whole. I understand Parkrun has had a really positive effect on improving the population’s mental and physical health.
Running with my friend Jon. He’s great company, always very encouraging and never complains when I ask him to slow down. I have run more with Jon than anyone else, so here’s a heartfelt ‘thank you’.
Summer is my favourite time of year. I love the warmth and even the heat. I love the colours in the landscape with arable farmland turning a golden yellow colour.
I love being out there and able to run. Praise the Lord!
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