Welcome to my latest weekly update. It is quite chilly at the moment and of course it’s a Bank Holiday weekend, so I definitely have that end of summer feeling. Looking back it has been quite a busy week, which I like, so quite a few things to highlight.
Feeling damn good!
I had a run with my friend Jon on Monday evening, about 6.5 miles. Jon continues to be fitter than me, even though it was once the other way around, just a few years ago.
We ran at a decent pace and was completely without any rests, pauses or trips. I love it when he drags me along faster than my normal plodding pace. Mind you the strategy these days is to ask Jon a question which involves a really long answer, especially if we are going up an incline of any kind. This seems to slow him down and gives me a sporting chance to keep up with him as I pant away. We have also agreed that if we need to go single file, for whatever reason, I will go in front as previously Jon would go in front and subconsciously go faster and faster, so this is another way of slowing him down – and seems to work!
The main thing is how I felt afterwards. I felt as fit as I’d been in a few years. It was a good run and my head was full of endorphins (yay!). Physically I am feeling pretty good these days, with renal and urology issues stable and going well. My only niggle is my right foot – either tendonitis or a metatarsus bone playing up. Rest seems to help but it is a tricky balance as I neither want to stop running or lose fitness. My head says “stop running, for at least two weeks” and my heart says “keep running but maybe too much”. Such a dilemma!
More DIY

The above photo shows the former airing cupboard being dismantled. It needed to be done gently as I certainly didn’t want to pull the ceiling down in the process. The airing cupboard used to house the old hot water tank which obviously had-to-go as explained in the New Heating post.
Nothing is ever straight forward. There were various electrical cables to deal with and this involved lifting some tongue and groove floorboards which I have learned to loathe so much.
Next were five old water pipes poking down from the ceiling. This involved almost a days work moving things around in the attic in order to lift the floorboards and gain access. Needless to say these were tongue and groove boards, yet again. Then my hacksaw blade (which is almost blunt) only had a little movement between the joists.
So although somewhat time consuming, the job was done. Next I’ll need to make good the ceiling and fit new a skirting board. Mind you, this is hopefully only a temporary step as we consider re-modelling that part of the house.
Home group and the hedgehog
We invited our church home group around for a fish and chip supper. We were hoping for one of those lovely balmy evenings where we could sit comfortably and gradually light tea candles to dot around the shrubs. Alas it was a bit too cold but we had a nice time nevertheless.
I think I counted 15 or 16 of us. As everyone was chatting enthusiastically, I remember just leaning back, casting my eye around and smiling to myself. This is our home, the Quirky Museum, being well used. I love it when we can facilitate a gathering; even better when we connect new people to each other and allow new friendships to grow. Actually our dinning room needs attention next and the outcome will be hosting lots of get-togethers of old and new friends – this is a bit of a dream coming true!
After everyone had gone, Hannah, Rachel and myself were tidying up the garden. It was then, just after dusk, that Hannah spotted a hedgehog scurrying around in some undergrowth. Then we all saw it! Now Rachel has bought some hedgehog food from the village pet shop, built a possible hedgehog house and installed Hedgehog Cam which just about connects to our wifi. So now we are all set to watch our little hedgehog, with a bit of luck!
Family things
Amidst all the busyness of the week, I managed to squeeze in a visit to my mother, complete with an overnight stay. I think it is right to make sure we have firm dates in our calendars, so she always knows when she’s going to see me and when she’s going to visit us. Although my visit was fairly brief, it was very poignant as they tend to be these days and for all the right reasons.
Hannah, who returned from her Lake Windermere job two weeks ago, is setting off tomorrow for her new sailing job on the south coast. Naturally there is a degree of nervousness for her and for us. I cannot forget that time, just five years ago, when Becky went to university and Hannah went to college on the same weekend. Talk about Empty Nest Syndrome. I have loved Hannah being with us and yet it has gone past all too quickly. As her Dad, I can feel emotional too!
And so there is definitely a sense of the summer drawing to a close. The days are shortening so quickly, flowers in the garden are fading away and I just wish I could slow it down. I feel that sense of time and life rushing by so much these days. Each year seems to flash past so quickly and I fear the pace is quickening all the time.
So, that end of summer feeling? Yes but I have so much to savour, so much to be truly thankful for. And yet I have so much in my head that needs to be done, so many unfulfilled ambitions and endless ideas of things to do and places to explore. Well, I’d better get on with it then!