Weekly update – afternoon tea with the Vicar

Another busy week and sometimes it’s hard to strike he right balance between being busy and having time to myself, to just stop and think.  Well we’ve been sociable again and what does afternoon tea with the Vicar really look like?  This, plus a few other unexpected things too….


Once again I had been invited to the local Probus lunch.  Elderly gentlemen in the main, apparently from a professional or business background and they gather for lunch followed by an interesting talk.  While the welcome was warm and friendly, with high hopes that I’d be willing to join and wear the Probus tie, I have declined.  It’s not for me.  I have offered, nevertheless, to return as a guest speaker in the future, since I’ve done that a number of times before I retired – Rotary, Lions etc.  That’ll include a few of my tales from the courtroom.

By now the effects of my COVID Booster vaccine were in full flow.  When I had the first and second vaccine, I suffered no more than a sore arm, lasting only a couple of days.

This booster jab was different.  Apart from the sore arm, which is no big deal, I felt very uncomfortable in my chest by the adjacent armpit.  If that wasn’t enough, I felt shivery and achy, just like the COVID leaflet described.  As I write, I’m just about better, although the leaflet tells me it can last longer.


I had a meeting in the charity I’m involved with, all good stuff and nice now we can meet together in a face to face manner.  While in town I had my regular appointment with the hygienist who is giving me a hard time about some of my gums.  I feel properly told off.

In the afternoon Harry and his scary chainsaw paid us a visit to cut up some more firewood.  Having an adequate supply of firewood is a nice feeling, although my cousin is horrified how we are adding to global warming.  Well, she does have a point but I also have a point in wanting to stay nice and warm!

Recently I had been asked to write an article about retirement for the Christian press, all about retirement and to include faith perspective.  I had never written for that publication before and, owing to the tight deadline, I didn’t really have a chance to research their house style.  So I decided the best approach was this – no procrastinating, no faffing around.  Quickly rattle off 700 words, read through, spell check and mail it off.  It worked!  I had a very nice email back and prompt payment.  Very chuffed!


Weather-wise a splendid day and so I spent quite a bit of time outside.  Tidying the wood pile, scarifying the lawn (the meadow) and followed this by a light cut together with a few odd jobs.


We have started to socialise more and more these days.  We had our friends Phil and Kate over for coffee, my friend David with his gigantic dog also came over.

In the afternoon I spent time clearing the cellar as I think it’ll make quite a nice little workshop.  I need a vice for the bench, so I might advertise on the village Facebook page for one.  Mind you, asking for a vice will require careful wording.


This was the day the Vicar came for afternoon tea.  Beforehand I spent some time trying to think about the way we should do this.  What’s the etiquette for afternoon tea with the Vicar?  Best china?  Dainty sandwiches, with the crusts cut off?  Hyacinth Bouquet would have been proud of me.

Instead the Vicar declined my offer of coffee and even tea.  The selection of healthy looking biscuits had too much sugar although a cup of hot water would suffice.  I wondered if I had got it all wrong, or perhaps there was some rumour about our water supply coming from the well in the cellar?

Our polite chitter chatter was nice.  Once all of the pleasantries were covered, I needed to press on through an agenda scribbled in my 1982 recycled diary.  Did you know the days and dates align perfectly between 1982 and 2021?

It was a very helpful discussion and, at times, quite frank.  Perhaps I’ll leave that there for now, although I do intend to blog about our church situation in the future.  I do know that a number of Christians read my blog and please allow me to reassure you that I’m not turning my back on my faith, nor am I joining the Anglican Church.


As usual it was the local 5k Parkrun, followed by coffee and toast in our garden.  I can say it is getting a tad chilly these days but we are able to tough this out for a little more.  While I like the company, the run (27:30 this week), I did manage to leave our toaster in the garden and still plugged into the mains! It was there over the weekend and it hasn’t come to any harm, thankfully.

The real highlight of Saturday was driving down for a surprise visit to see Hannah.  As she had a day off from her regular sailing job, she was helping run a swimming event across to the Isle of Wight.  We were there to greet her as she returned on a powerboat and then help get everything packed up afterwards.

We had a lovely time with Hannah; it was a tender time and we loved it.  We were late driving home and as we pulled into the driveway I felt so thankful. Thankful for safe travelling, thankful for such a courageous and wonderful daughter; thankful for a great day.

Hannah on The Solent


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