We decided to join our local U3A group – that’s short for the University of the Third Age. As we sat in the AGM, I wondered whether I was in a Calendar Girls WI film set. In other news, some enjoyable (but creaky) running and another visit to my mother.
Rachel and I were feeling a tad conspicuous sitting in the crowded Methodist Church Hall while wearing our facemarks; we were in a definite minority. Ahead of us were many rows of seats, each one taken. I was looking at lots of curly grey hair, of various shades, and jovial chitter chatter going on.
Upon sitting through the committee’s AGM (twice!) and a guest speaker talking about medical assistance dogs, we decided to join. I was, if I’m honest, having some doubts but it was just ten quid for the year, so why not. After the meeting etc was over everyone was chatting at full volume over cups of tea. Somehow I found myself being introduced to the Chair and the convenor of the Art Appreciation Group, so right up my street.
So I decided to go, a few days later, to go to the said Art Appreciation Group. No excuse really, it was held in a house in the next road, so not far away. I was one of 8 or 9 people, I was secretly hoping for it to be a bit bohemian with a whiff of weed, but instead, a very nice lounge, though a bit ‘Radio 2’ if I’m honest. One of the group’s members explained we were going to work our way through our favourite 20th Century artists, week by week.
The subject this week was Norman Rockwell, new to me. He was American and could possibly be described as more of an illustrator than an artist. As someone cleverly observed “but what is art and how do you define it?” as a way of suggesting that we couldn’t discount Rockwell as an artist. Although I did contribute to the discussion, I found myself holding back an awful lot. Suddenly I found that I had a lot to say – and wanted to say! But I kept quiet, mostly.
Although a slightly unpromising start, I think I’m going to like that group. Whether they like me is another matter; just wait until it’s my turn to present my favourite 20th Century artist. Perhaps I could stir things up and present Banksy or someone a little edgy?
Head torch run and a crap photo

You will have to take my word for it. This is my friend Jon on Dunstable Downs with Luton in the background. Must be on of the most awful, crap photos I have ever taken.
Nevertheless it was a splendid run. We left our cars at Kensworth and repeated a T-shaped route. It is mostly flat, with just a few slopes and amazingly I’m coping better with these nowadays. It is our habit when we get to the above photo spot to fire up a few spontaneous words of thanks. “Thank you God for this incredible place”…. “Thank you Lord for our legs, lungs and hearts, all working well”…. “thank you for your amazing creation”. Amen.
Jon managed to completely forget his head torch. The strap on mine broke. We still had a great run and there was something special about running in the dark. I know this is stating the bleeding’ obvious but the countryside is very different; it has a different quality at night. You feel a little furtive as you run through it at night. You listen out for different things and take extra care not to trip over.
We did about 6.5 miles and I found it relatively easy this time. That was, however, until my right foot started to complain. Although I ran the Saturday Parkrun a few days later, it still isn’t right and I’m thinking it is time to have a word with my Doctor. I dread being told “you need to rest it for X months”. A part of me would rather limp along in pain than be told I can’t run at all.
Blogging news
I know it’s only a little thing but it gives me a real boost when I get paid for writing something. Also this week I have received an Amazon voucher for something connected to my blog.
Although I will never have or seek a huge following, it does seem strange to think I get readers from all around the world (hi everyone). Making connections is even better and I love it when we can interact with each other; we can learn so much and be enriched by others, from different cultures and different places.
When I get the time (ha!) I would like to sit and write for a whole week; lots of articles and posts, to see where it goes. I know that blogging stats can be greatly enhanced by mentions on social media but I’ve never really made much of an effort (note to self….). Perhaps the most rewarding is when people make contact and we chat, or perhaps someone is asking my views on something. Above all a personal blog is simply a journal which happens to be online and it’s important to keep that in perspective.
Family things
- My mother was due to spend a few days with us this week. She changed her mind but instead I paid her a visit. We think she likes that!
- Hannah has come home for the weekend, first time in ten weeks having started her new job on the south coast.
- Becky and David are arriving tomorrow for a few days. Or at least that’s the plan, they’re awaiting a PCR test….