Back in January I had my ears pierced. Yes, really. I know. Why, what happened and the reactions?
Quite a few people have asked me this. They have probably wondered why a seemingly sensible, boring, careful, level headed bloke like me should have his ears pierced. Especially at my age.
Does everything we do have to be logical? Can’t we break out of those straight jackets every now and then?
What happened, what was it like?
I booked an appointment a week ahead at one of those tattoo and piercing studio places, to have it done properly. When the day came I apprehensively drove there and reminded myself it wasn’t too late to back out. En route I stopped at a cashpoint machine for the necessary cash and again I reminded myself it wasn’t too late to turn around.
I got there. A handful of staff were milling around, each with their own multiple piercings and tattoos galore as they got ready for their day’s work of making little holes in people or stabbing ink into their customer’s skin. They looked at me, politely smiling in a quizzical way, maybe puzzling at this very ordinary conventional bloke looking to put his ears on the line.
Paperwork completed, then I was shown into a brightly lit room with a medical couch and a tray of forceps and other torturous looking equipment. There were lots of little drawers on the walls and smell of antiseptic everywhere (which I could even smell outside the shop!).
My ears were marked with a little spot using some ink on something which looked like a cocktail stick. Looking in a mirror I gave the okay nod in approving the right position. Next I was lying down and a clamp held my earlobe while the needle went through! I can tell you it was a relief, I was expecting much worse than the split second “ouch”. Easy peasey.
Next followed some fiddling with my titanium “labret” jewellery which was inserted into the hollow needle and pushed from back-to-front, then a little ball was screwed tightly onto the front of the earlobe.
While all of this was going on, the care procedure was explained and all of a sudden my other earlobe had the same experience. I looked in the mirror and could hardly believe what had just happened. All done. Stunned. I half expected people to stare as I walked along the street. Nobody did, after all, it’s no big deal, is it.
My ears naturally felt pretty sore to begin with and I resisted the temptation to touch them or fiddle with my new titanium. I remember waking up the next day while it was still dark and I just lay there completely still, not moving an inch. I thought to myself “did I really get my ears pierced?”. I felt my ears and sure enough I had. I just couldn’t believe it but inwardly smiled to myself.
The reactions!!!!
Only a few people have commented so far. Most people are either too polite or stunned or simply lost for words, not sure whether they should say anything or not. I really am the most unlikely person to do this.
One of my relatives said “what do you want to have that done for, it doesn’t suit you”. That was at my birthday meal (see previous post) and I replied “this is where you say something about me being an independent, edgy thinker and to thank me for paying for your meal”. My cousin, who was just within earshot, immediately piped up with “you’re such an edgy person Doug, and thank you for buying lunch for us all”. Correct answer, I thought.
Another friend asked if I had lost a bet. Another said he was shocked and would need time to recover while someone else said I was a dark horse. Two have asked if I’m entering the world of tattoos next. The answer is no, absolutely not.
Perhaps the nicest comment was someone saying “oh it’s Doug being Doug”. I like that.
I am now 5 weeks further on, still in the initial healing phase I am told, though to be honest they do feel very settled in. I quite like the little titanium studs, although the post running through my ear lobe needs to be shorter now (having it changed is all part of the deal).
So there you go. I have two little holes in my ears, 1.6mm to be precise. To be honest, I don’t know whether this is a passing phase but for now I’m really enjoying them.
Update, now 10 weeks on. They feel perfectly healed but the piercing studio tell me I should wait at least four months before changing from the labret studs. Everywhere else on the internet it says 4-8 weeks.
I have taken them out for a couple of minutes, to have a look and am a bit concerned at the size of those holes – you can see right through them I suppose they will close up if I decide they’re not for me any more?
Generally no comments from other people, although if I bump into a friend I’ve not seen for a while they tend to do a “double take” and not say anything. Either way, I like them and really pleased I had them done. I like the edgy look, especially as I’m the most unlikely person to get my ears pierced!
I think it’s great that you went with your instinct Doug. Ignore any negativity and continue being yourself. Wish I could be as brave as you!
Thanks Mary, I knew I could rely on you!
Well done for getting your ears pierced and being an individual. I wish more people would be like that. 1.6mm holes – that’s pretty big!
X, thanks for your kind words.
Really brave of you, for going against the crowd and being individual. More people should do it but it does depend on what’s fashionable?
Do you still have them now, if so why not go further and have your second lobe piercings.
Hi Jellyfish
Many thanks for reading my blog post and leaving your comment. Yes my ears are still pierced, almost two years now! Yes, I think more people should do it, if that’s what they want although I do think what’s fashionable has a lot to do with it.
Second lobe? Well that would be interesting, judging by the reaction I had with the first ones. No, I’m content with what I have, although looking back I do admit that I did enjoy the process.
I think it’s really cool for a man to have his ears pierced! How about a second lobe piercing or stretching? Do you still wear those boring studs?
Thank you AB for your kind comment! Those silver coloured titanium studs were the first ‘starter’ labret studs which are far too fiddly, especially when you can’t see what you’re doing.
I think I’m content with the holes I have, having my ears pierced again would probably be going too far – I think I have shocked enough people already!
Well done on getting your ears pierced. I wish I had the nerve to do it but could never have the guts needed, always worrying about what people would say about me. You seem to have had some teasing, that would scare me rotten.
Hi Steve
Thanks for leaving your comment, I’m sorry not to have replied sooner.
For what it’s worth, it took me a little while to work up the courage to have my ears pierced but I’m so pleased I did. Now I’m two years and four months along the road of having pierced ears and I still like it!
So why not have yours done too?
I still think it’s cool that you had ear pricing. Do you mind me asking what it’s like now you have time to get used to them? I can see some other comments people have suggested second ear piercings, have you done this yet?
Thank you for your comment Steve. You asked what having pierced ears is like now. I am well used to them, although I don’t wear them all the time. I do feel self conscious in some settings. However I still like the edgy individuality! I also like wearing them all the time and forgetting I have little rings in my ears.
Second ear piercings? Well I did really enjoy having the first ones done, so never say never. Sometimes in those carefree daydreamy times I could have this done but in reality I think it would be going a bit too far.
Sorry not to have visited your blog for a long time now. I had my ear pierced! I am slightly younger than you Doug but your blog helped me make up my mind. I actually just had my left ear pierced with a large black stud and I am getting it pierced again next week, so I will have two holes, plus I might get it stretched when they say it is healed. I haven’t decided where to have this second piercing yet.
Have you had any “carefree daydreamy times”?
Hi Steve, well done on getting your ear pierced! It seems you have really been bitten by the bug by looking to have another piercing so very soon. That’s quite something, for someone who had been sitting on the fence for such a long time – it was in March that you left a comment above to say that you wish you had the nerve to have it done.
Do be careful about having your piercing stretched – I imagine there’s a danger it may never go back to how it was. At least through having normal sized piercing holes, they can heal and close up if you later decide it’s not for you.
Oh, I feel a bit guilty (if that’s the right word here) to think I have influenced you – a stranger – to have their ear pierced. For me to blog about my experience is one thing, but to influence or encourage someone else, have I crossed a line somehow?
In the meantime I really hope your newly pierced ear heals nicely and you enjoy your new bling!
Like I said earlier, ear piercing isn’t as popular as it was years ago when I had mine done. IN thise days everyone got them done in the mall on a Saturday morning.
So you’re going against the tide, against the norms of fashion, what a rebel you guys are. Maybe you should go that step further and have your second lobes done? Or if you are unsure, have just the one side pierced. Either way I think it will look really cool for an older guy to have it done.
I still wear mine, including my second lobes but only on special occasions.
I just read your post and can completely empathise with your decision to get your ears pierced. I had mine done about 3 years ago at the age of 52 !! I started with one, but went back and had the other done some months later.
It was something I’d wanted to do for years, but didn’t have the courage to do it. It was difficult in a professional business environment, but working from home during Covid times helped me make the decision. My wife was initially shocked and surprised, but was really supportive too, she came with me when I got them done. She does have multiple ear piercings and other body piercings though.
Reactions have been mixed, most people see them and either don’t care or just don’t say anything. I only feel self conscious when it’s someone I already know, if it’s someone I dont know I really don’t care what they think. I wear really small 1.5mm studs as I prefer a discrete look and take them out when I’m in the office.
I don’t regret my decision, so I’d encourage others to do it, if that’s what you want.
Well said, Ash. Much appreciate your comment and I can see we think on similar lines, so that’s good. Any plans for further piercings?