Can you think of a time when you’ve started a really straightforward, simple task, and then it grew and grew? That’s exactly what’s happened this week. Add into the mix a humdinger of a cold and you get a picture of the week I’ve had.
The photo shows an awkward gap at the edge of the Quirky Museum’s plot. On the right is a garage and on the left is the boundary fence with our neighbour.
I had thought it would take only a short time to clear the bits of wood and general debris as I needed somewhere to store a little bit of timber. I told Rachel it would only take a few minutes (famous last words).
Then the problems unfolded
- Look at the damp patch on the wall – we have had firewood logs piled there
- Look where the damp course is. The soil was almost covering it, so I took away 2-3 brick’s worth of soil etc
- There was quite a lot of chain link fence semi buried in the soil, this was hard to cut away
- Frogs! All safely re-homed but they were looking a bit miffed
- The soil on the left is flowing from the next door neighbour’s garden as their gravel boards are too high up
- I still hadn’t recovered from my humdinger cold and I knew I’d taken on too much. I felt awful.
The solution
Well I’ve been around to chat to our neighbours about this. The approach I took was to ask “if we could put our heads together” and I think that might work. They’re very nice neighbours and so I’m optimistic about a good solution.
In sickness and in health
Just as I seem to be emerging from being poorly, I seem to have given it to Rachel. Now I suppose that would have been almost inevitable but at least it’s not Covid, or at least our LFT’s are clear. To be honest, we have both felt so awful, neither of us would have been surprised to have tested positive for Covid. It is very surprising how long it has dragged on for – about 10 days – not used to that!
A few short runs

The latest in the long running injured foot saga is that I have started, very tentatively, to have a few short runs. The treatment, as prescribed by the physiotherapist, is to stand on one foot and wobble around. The general idea is loosen some of the joints in my right foot which have seized up, hence the pain.
So this week, I have had two short runs. The first, ironically, was to the hospital for some blood tests (these are routine kidney stuff ahead of my regular check up this week coming). I parked my car about a mile from he hospital and ran there. Had the blood samples taken and then ran back. The first couple of minutes were really hard – almost out of breath – but then I got loosened up and started to run a little easier.
The second run was yesterday, just under a mile, here in the village. Again not too bad but it made me think about my general fitness.
My general level of fitness has faded quite a lot since I stopped running in October 2021. Back then I could run the 5k Parkrun in about 28 minutes quite easily but I’d struggle to do that now. Plus I’ve put on about 5 or 6lbs in weight and my blood pressure has crept up a little.
As ever, I am always optimistic. I haven’t forgotten how good a really nice run makes me feel. I might be 60 but that’s no age to take things easy. I must always believe the best is yet to come and I do believe I’ll be running again soon, foot injury permitting.
Besides, there is the NYC Parkrun to look forward to in May!!!!