Spring has finally arrived, at last. Is it me or has April felt like winter? Happily as we near the end of the month it is truly Spring, at last. Continue reading “Weekly update – Spring, at last”
Moving through life's seasons
Spring has finally arrived, at last. Is it me or has April felt like winter? Happily as we near the end of the month it is truly Spring, at last. Continue reading “Weekly update – Spring, at last”
“Chin up, Doug” said one of my friends when she knew how the week was not going well. Even with my normal cheery outlook, perhaps I need bringing back down to Earth now and again? Continue reading “Weekly update – chin up, Doug”
Yes I do feel as if I have been dashing here, there and everywhere; but it’s all good fun. This little update includes a freedom of information request, a trip to Cumbria and car troubles. Continue reading “Weekly update – dashing here, there and everywhere”