Tale of the Councillor plus other bits

This post includes the latest on another disappearing politician, a local election and us adding further to global warming.

Attentive readers might remember me having a grumble about a local Councillor who seems to have disappeared.  One wonders if he is in cahoots with Nadine Dorries, our previous MP who behaved disgracefully towards our constituents.

To cut a long story short, I am holding this Councillor to account.  I submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Council which revealed

  • He had attended only two meetings between May 2023 and March 2024
  • He had claimed over £12,600 in allowances and expenses

I emailed the Councillor to ask if there were any special reasons, or extenuating circumstances.  It would be awful if some terrible tragedy had occurred, I’d feel bad.  I heard nothing back, so after a few weeks I forwarded the email to another Conservative Councillor.

The following day I received an email from the elusive Councillor who apologised most sincerely and added he had experienced an email problem.  I thought that was a shame, especially to have such a problem for so long.  One has to keep an open mind(!).

Now I had his attention, I replied to say I wanted to encourage his involvement in village life, to do what he was elected to do.  I am not specifically looking to embarrass him.  I also pointed out that I was minded to post something of this on the village Facebook page and really it was up to him what would be posted – this should be an incentive.

I could, of course, name him since a Freedom of Information request is effectively in the public domain.  I am holding off from that, for now.  As I said, my intention is to encourage him to be a better Councillor.  Alternatively he can step aside and we can elect someone else.

This little saga has the potential to really cause a stink locally.  That’s not my intention, although that is my trump card if the Councillor doesn’t communicate or confirm some kind of commitment to the local residents, is to widely share the Freedom of Information disclosure.

Aside from that, Rachel and I helped with counting the votes in the local Police & Crime Commissioner’s election.  Quite a close result between the Conservative and Labour candidates.  The Labour candidate won in the end.  Once again, I really do not understand the difference between a Commissioner who is Labour or Conservative; party politics should be kept aside from public safety and justice.  We should be judging their skills and talents, their local approach to policing, not judging on national issues which may have nothing to do with our local communities.

In all other respects things are going well in which May is my favourite month in the year.  Alas it is rushing past and I wish I could slow it down!

In this last week I have acquired a van load of pallets, ready for cutting up for next winter’s firewood.  There’s nothing like a nice cosy fire in the stove on a cold winter’s day, especially when it’s free.

My root canal treatment is dragging on, although I’m no longer in any pain thankfully.  It has exposed questions about how dental surgeries operate – it’s obviously a business and businesses within a business.  Consequently one has to believe the right treatment is being provided, although it does make me wonder at times.

All in all things are going well at such a lovely time of year.


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