There have been quite a few resignations in the news, this time with our political leaders jumping ship ahead of an election defeat. Amongst those quitting are Michael Gove and Dame Andrea Leadsom. Now I have a resignation myself, but nothing to do with politics, or maybe it does?
When I retired 5½ years ago, I was taken on as a trustee of a local charity, one that I have admired over the years. For various reasons I have decided to step down, with immediate effect.
Recently I went to see the CEO and let her know ahead of an email to the chair and other trustees. As I was driving home I remembered how it felt when I retired and left work for the last time – elated, empowered and excited for the future. Tinged was a nagging question in the back of my mind wondering if I’d done the right thing.
My email to the chair and other trustees was very magnanimous; perhaps I am being conceited by thinking I might be thanked in some way. Alas I was the one prepared to challenge, to ask questions and refuse to play the game. Is that not within the role of a trustee?
My next “resignation” is quitting the gym. I am ashamed to say I have become one of those who seldom goes, quite a contrast to 15 years ago when I lost so much weight and became so fit through pounding the treadmill. I used to run 10k in under 50 minutes as a warm up. I digress.
I really will need to find an alternative way of keeping fit. As to whether I find my way into another charity, that’s a different matter. While I feel I want to continue supporting a good cause in that way, I have neglected photography and art for too long. I am sure there’s a good balance out there.
I’m sure your resignation decisions are correct. It’s easy to continue doing something through habit or because we feel it’s expected of us or through a sense of ‘duty’. However, if we are no longer enjoying it then it’s time to move on and try something new. Life’s too short to spend on things that are ‘wrong’ for us. Best wishes in pastures new!
Thanks Sally, you’ve summed it up well and you make a good point. I’m taking my time to decide what the next step will be.