
Nadine Dorries has resigned!We have both gone down with the most horrid humdinger of a summer cold, ever.  I can hardly believe how a simple cold can make me feel so unwell.  We might expect this in winter but it seems ten times worse in the summer.

It felt like a touch of hay fever to begin with; a runny nose and the odd sneeze.  I even took a tablet each day for hay fever, first time ever and initially it seemed to work.  However it got worse, far worse.

Hopefully now we are both on the mend, although I seem to be coughing far more than Rachel.  It has been about a week now, so surely we should be shaking it off?

You might even be wondering if we have Covid?  That’s something which crossed our minds, especially as the customer in front of me in the Pharmacy dropped the C-word in conversation with Charlotte, the assistant who seems to know the ailments of the entire village.

When it was my turn and I collected “Doug’s Drugs” as they are known as (this is my regular prescription, for anyone needing a bit of reassurance), I couldn’t help but ask

“I wasn’t eavesdropping but did that last customer saying something about Covid?”

“Yes you’re right Doug, you wanna be careful, there’s a lot about” said Charlotte behind her face mask.

Charlotte then asked if we needed any Covid tests and handed me a bundle.  She did this very discreetly, almost as if she was handing out some contraband and didn’t want anyone else to see.

Back home we both tested.  Negative.  Well, we are thankful for that but it still feels like it could have been Covid.  Then I tried to convince myself it was hay fever after all and a few days later went to see my mother.  Gosh I hope I haven’t given it to her as I’ve been feeling even worse having got back home.

I feel such an idiot.  At least Rachel stoically continues to potter in the kitchen, making a whole load of Zoe friendly food.  Who’s Zoe you might ask?  No, we don’t have a new lodger, or a new pet or a new anything.  You’ll need to click the link below to learn what this is all about.

Me?  I’m just sneezing, coughing and looking at all the things that need sorting.  The waste paper bins overflowing with tissues, the new brave weed growing in the garden, the hoovering which needs to be done and suddenly the list has become endless.  It is surprising how these things creep up when we are both out of action.

Still, let’s look on the bright side.  I have now submitted my formal complaint to the blummin Council regarding one of our Councillors who seems to have gone missing.  For those not in the know, one of our elected Councillors apparently rarely attends any meetings, never answers phone calls or emails and yet continues to draw his allowance of over £1,000 a month.  It is an extraordinary situation but I suppose the precedent had been set by Nadine Dorries (photo above) who seems to have managed to get away with this for years before being ousted.

So there you are, some of the less gory ins and outs of our summer colds.  They really have knocked us sideways.  Anyone else?

Onwards and upwards….

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