Health update

Health update – headline message – looking good.  A while ago I had a Urology check up, a few days ago I had a kidney check up and in the middle is my foot which is itching to go and run!

The main thing I want to talk about is my kidney health and the prospect of a little running.  As a little reminder, or for my subscribers who have joined more recently, I have damaged kidneys caused by urine ‘backing up’ through prostate issues.  Happily the plumbing (urology) things were largely sorted back in 2018 but I have been left with some issues, including a tendency to have Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).

“You will always be in the kidney system for the rest of my life” said the kidney consultant back in 2018.  A couple of days ago I saw the same consultant, via a video call, and he said he could remember me from when I first turned up having been sent by my GP for a “routine” appointment.  I think he remembered telling me I needed to be admitted to hospital immediately but I protested “because my bike is outside, they’ll be nothing left of it if I have to stay”

Happily he is now saying they can ease back on my kidney checks, from every 3 months to every 6 months.  This is because my headline kidney performance has improved more than they expected.

I asked about the other tests they do.  He explained there is now minimal protein leaking through my kidneys into my urine, so that’s good.  In terms of general health is concerned, they test for “inflammation markers” and the “gout risk score” and he said everything was fine.  Also cholesterol is fine, along with my full blood count.

We did discuss UTIs and he offered, if I was concerned, to put me onto a long term course of low-dose antibiotics but we agreed to keep that in reserve for the future, if needed.  In the meantime he was pleased that I stay alert for any infections – I have a supply of urine testing dipsticks.  Quite often, I explained, I will have the first signs of an infection (+70 on the leukocyte scale) but can generally out drink it.  I know, only too well, the symptoms of an infection which has spread into my kidneys and blood stream – it’s a pretty horrible.

He concluded by telling me to carry on with everything I do including taking the tablets – 87 each week.  We decided to celebrate by having a Gu pudding – high calorie, high fat, high sugar – delicious – but I’m not sure that’s what the kidney consultant had in mind!

Getting my foot ready for running

MRI scan of my foot
MRI scan of my foot

Last year I was told I had arthritis in my right foot, in a specific spot that you can see in the circle.  While it explains the pain in my foot and I had a steroid injection to successfully ease the pain for a while, it has meant no running.

I have found this so frustrating as it was one of the things I was wanting to do in retirement because a) I simply enjoy running and b) it has been so good for my overall health.

To cut a long story short, I have spoken to a physiotherapist who is arranging for me to have another steroid injection.  In the meantime I’m doing exercises to strengthen the muscles and tendons in my feet.

Running a little, says the physio, needs to be seen as an experiment, to see how my foot performs now its had a good rest from running.  The important thing is to build up the distances slowly – s l o w l y .  This is because my feet will both need time to adjust, along with the rest of me.

I’m full of optimism

My life expectancy, according to the Office for National Statistics
My life expectancy, according to the Office for National Statistics

According to the Office for National Statistics I should make it to the age of 85, or thereabouts – another 23 years.  This only takes into account my current age and gender, along with the general health of all other 62 year men.

Amongst the biggest drivers for life expectancy is one’s postcode and if you are affluent or in poverty – I learned about this when I worked in probation.  Other influencing factors can include one’s genes. My father lived until he was 88.  My mother is still going strong at 90.   However I would like to think my natural optimism counts for something – I am always “glass half full” and believe the best is to come.

Some time ago I told the kidney consultant that I would like to live into my 90s and I expected him to play his part in that.  He said nobody had ever mentioned anything like that to him before!  So according to the ONS chart, I have a 1:4 chance of living until I’m 92 – I hope to improve on that and running could be a part of that!

Why not check out your own life expectancy?  I imagine this link is only appropriate for UK residents, other countries will inevitably be different.  Here’s the link – ONS life expectancy calculator

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