Life has been hectic recently, fine if in small bursts, otherwise it has an effect.
Right now, we all have colds, runny noses and so on. I had been feeling so chuffed that I’d held off any of the bugs circulating in the Quirky Museum. Mind you, the Quirky Museum has started to feel a bit like a HMO these days (House of Multiple Occupation in council speak).
We still have our Ukrainian family living with us, after some eighteen months and this is fine. More recently we had a church group staying with us who were on the way to Moldova, or was it the other way around this time? Easy to lose track. And then last week we decamped to Centre Parcs with both daughters, hubby and granddaughter. They returned with us to the Quirky Museum over the weekend. Now there are just six of us, it feels so quiet and this will take a bit of getting used to once again.
In recent weeks my mother has been to stay and a whole host of other things which are blurring into each other. As much as I do like these comings and goings, sometimes I just feel the need to slow things down so I can digest and savour them.
Even better is finding some time to blog about them. There was the U3A trip to the Wallace Collection in London quite recently and this trip also involved one of our party quizzing me about my earrings and the bizarre conversation which followed. Sadly a kindly man in the village died and I am full of remorse; this deserves another blog post on its own to explain all about that.
Somewhere in the middle of all of this I have managed to squeeze a steroid injection out of the NHS to help my arthritic foot and the subsequent restart in running together with the way in which we are now expected to get our cars serviced. Apparently one communicates via an app these days, and so I lament the times when you could simply dial a number, have a chat and magically the car gets serviced.
All for another time but at least you know I haven’t vanished. Moreover I’m here and just for a moment, sitting down to do some writing.