So what is being 58 really like?

Me at nearly 58
Me at nearly 58

So what is it being 58 really like?  Despite my denial about this, I fear the term “middle age” is something fading quickly unless I manage to make the age of 116.    There are some physical clues and also some changes in my outlook which might illuminate the answer. Continue reading “So what is being 58 really like?”

The price of having a haircut!!!

Poppy the dog in her raincoat
Poppy the dog in her raincoat

In spite of being fairly thrifty and having a reasonable view of our expenditure, I seem to have missed the  price of having a haircut where Poppy the dog is concerned.  Today this came to a head as I had my own haircut (but not by the dog groomer)….. Continue reading “The price of having a haircut!!!”

Tales from the Courtroom – scavenging for food

Once again back to Stevenage Magistrates Court and this must have been 1996 or thereabouts.  At the time there was an open air market which was in between the Probation Office and the Court.  One day a week there was a market which proved very bountiful. Continue reading “Tales from the Courtroom – scavenging for food”

The last ten years

Rachel & myself in 2010
Rachel & myself in 2010

Here is the briefest of posts; a quick reflection on the last ten years.  In some ways, life seems to have stood still and yet there has been a number of unexpected twists and turns.  We are still living in the same house and still go to the same church which is always a good foundation for us.  Continue reading “The last ten years”

Who drives a (black) Range Rover?

Royalty free image

Recently I have encountered a couple of Range Rovers while I’ve been running through the quiet country lanes near Dunstable.  This prompted me to revisit a previous blog post (on another site) from 2013.  Unbeknown to me at the time, it became my most popular blog post with over 28,000 hits even though it was a spoof.  So here it is again: Continue reading “Who drives a (black) Range Rover?”