Waitrose French blend ground coffee review

Waitrose French blend ground reviewI like trying different coffees and thought I might do a little review from time to time.  So let’s start off with a Waitrose French blend ground coffee review. Is the description full of pretentious twaddle?  Is it bitter and harsh or perhaps a refreshing pick-me-up? Continue reading “Waitrose French blend ground coffee review”

Weekly update – all change for our daughters

Our garden and the changing seasons
Our garden and the changing seasons

I am going to try and get into the habit of doing a weekly update of things.  This will be as a minimum in terms of blogging and I will undoubtedly / hopefully / optimistically be blogging about other things in between.  And so in kicking off my  very first weekly update – all change for our daughters. Continue reading “Weekly update – all change for our daughters”

Evolving relationship with my newly married daughter

As you can imagine I have been pondering my evolving relationship with my newly married daughter.  There is nothing particularly new about this kind of situation, after all I have needed to change my thinking once she had turned 18, became more independent at university and through to her getting engaged and then married. Continue reading “Evolving relationship with my newly married daughter”

The ups and downs of wearing glasses

Anna, Boots Opticians
Anna, Boots Opticians

Although it is true about there are some ups and downs of wearing glasses, on the whole I hate them.  I hate them for many reasons, most of all is how they tend to fall to pieces at the most inconvenient time.  Below I make mention of how Boots Opticians come to my rescue. Continue reading “The ups and downs of wearing glasses”