Despite the promising title, we have had a real disappointment with our little nest egg. One investment fund has gone down the pan and we are now being advised to sell the remains for whatever is there (probably peanuts). For a moment, this got me really worried…. will I have to go back to work? In the cold light of day, no I doubt it, but in the middle of the night and lying awake thinking about it, it’s a terrible situation. Continue reading “The benefits of a varied portfolio”
Author: doug
Blog update – now in year 2!
Now I’m just creeping into year two with my blog, thought a little update and reflection would be about right. It has been a personal blog through an incredibly happy time, including my journey to early retirement and trying to stay on top of some health issues. Continue reading “Blog update – now in year 2!”
Coffee with a sermon?
One recent Sunday I spotted a tea/coffee station had appeared near the front of the church, just on the side and not far from the drum kit. It got me wondering if something new was going to happen…. Continue reading “Coffee with a sermon?”
My latest art stuff
I can tell you, I’m really enjoying all of my latest art stuff, please allow me to share a few thoughts on this. As ever I am always pleased to hear from folk as feedback on my blog posts. Sometimes it is a comment on the blog, though not often. Sometimes it’s through Twitter or via the blog’s contact page. Most of all it’s what people say to me personally – but it all counts towards a rewarding time through blogging. Continue reading “My latest art stuff”
The cost of food and petrol
Rachel keeps a close eye on our cash flows and there are a few surprising things coming up. This is mostly the cost of food and petrol but thankfully we are okay with this; but definitely not complacent. Continue reading “The cost of food and petrol”
Four years ago

It is almost exactly four years ago when I last ran a marathon. This is me at Milton Keynes, just before the start of the race. I had done this race a few times before, each time getting a little faster each time and I would like to think I’ll be able to run another marathon one day. Continue reading “Four years ago”
Taking my mother-in-law shopping
Often on a Wednesday morning I take my mother-in-law shopping, just to the village shop for groceries. Often it’s quite an adventure as she is in her 90s, frail, almost blind, can’t hear very well and a bit of a “character” at times. Continue reading “Taking my mother-in-law shopping”