One of the joys of blogging is having contact from people, often from all around the world. Having blogged about the Halfbike back in 2015 (on my cycling blog) I was delighted when the manufacturers recently got in touch and asked if I would like to try a Halfbike. Of course I agreed and here are my first impressions of the Halfbike. I will blog again about it once I have had more experience and practice. Continue reading “Halfbike first impressions”
Author: doug
Time for another kidney checkup
As I’m in the kidney system at the hospital, I can request an appointment with a consultant at any time. I have just done that, although it is almost time for another kidney checkup. Continue reading “Time for another kidney checkup”
So much to tell you!
So much to tell you, ever so quickly….
Rightnow we are in North Wales, at the foot of Mt Snowdon, having rented a little cottage for a few days. The reason being is Hannah’s birthday today and we wanted to come over to see her. The view above is from the cottage, pretty cool eh? Continue reading “So much to tell you!”
Little garden shed gym update
Thought I’d record a little garden shed gym update as I’ve had a few sessions there now. This is all a part of my healthy-living and trying to regain some of my fitness, hopefully back to 2015 levels. I’m not sure what the spiders make of this new intrusion into their environment, or the other nearly by wildlife but here goes….. Continue reading “Little garden shed gym update”
I spotted #ExposeChristianSchools was trending on Twitter a couple of days ago and thought I’d take a look. I think it is mostly American and therefore difficult for me to comment too directly as it’ll be out of context for me. However, it is mostly people tweeting who have gone through some kind of christian education who are fighting against it. To be fair, there are some who are supportive. The above tweet is an example of what people are saying – and clearly the advice for girls to dress modestly or else…. is wholly inappropriate.
We have sent our own daughters through a christian school here in the UK, from preschool (aged 2 or 3) to year 11 (aged 16) so I think I’m able to comment on this. I will try to be balanced as it is a serious subject and I don’t want anyone to misunderstand. Continue reading “#ExposeChristianSchools”
Morning at the Job Centre!

Long gone are the days when the local Job Centre had bomb proofed waiting areas, reinforced glass screens protecting the staff and Gestapo-like security guards controlling the angry folk trying to make sense of the bureaucracy and simply make ends meet. Sure, the Department of Work & Pensions has done much to be more “customer focussed” and the like. But is it working? Although the question remains and my morning at the Job Centre illuminates some workings of the DWP, here’s how it went…. Continue reading “Morning at the Job Centre!”
The overwhelming, never ending reckless love of God
We have just had an amazing weekend and the words to the song we sang on Sunday morning sum it up beautifully – the overwhelming, never ending reckless love of God. This is why….. Continue reading “The overwhelming, never ending reckless love of God”