Weirdest sandwich so far

my weirdest sandwich so farIn our house I am known for some weird food, the kind of thing nobody would come close to eating unless they were starving on a desert island.  So here’s possibly my weirdest sandwich so far.

It is made with tomato and red onion, both grilled on a slice of toast.  I am sure I could wax lyrical about the health benefits of these and why tomatoes are allegedly better for us once they are cooked but for now, just take my word for it.  Add to this some dark tahini and, for a little moisture, some Hellman’s mayonnaise. Continue reading “Weirdest sandwich so far”

The thing about Ansel Adams

Moonrise, Ansel AdamsI have always liked the work of Ansel Adams and naturally my eye got drawn to a recent article about him in The Daily Telegraph.  Journalist Colin Gleandell wrote a fascinating, matter-of-fact, article about Adams’ most famous photograph – Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico.  The thing about Ansel Adams and his work is how the sheer skill and quality knocks the socks off most photography in this day and age.  Not bad considering Moonrise was taken in 1941 with comparatively primitive equipment. Continue reading “The thing about Ansel Adams”

Chatting to the Postman

Just as I was going out of the front door the postman arrived. This particular Postman is always friendly, always wears shorts regardless of the weather and I’m gradually getting to know and like him. This is how chatting to the Postman went:

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Just as I was going out of the front door the postman arrived.  This particular Postman is always friendly, always wears shorts regardless of the weather and I’m gradually getting to know and like him.  This is how chatting to the Postman went: Continue reading “Chatting to the Postman”