How am I meant to feel at 56? Being 56 years old is a curious thing and I’m still trying to work out what it means. In fact I’m nearer to 57 than 56, so perhaps I ought to figure this 56 year old stuff out before too long. Continue reading “How am I meant to feel at 56?”
Author: doug
Conversation about retirement
Our good friend Beryl recently paid us a visit and we got into a conversation about retirement. It was really helpful for me at this stage as, when I asked her for her “tips” it didn’t necessarily go the way I thought it would. Continue reading “Conversation about retirement”
Well, that was a curious experience
Well, that was a curious experience. As a step towards my prostate operation, there was the need for some further investigations to take place today, all part of giving me a thorough ‘going over’ to ensure all is well. Continue reading “Well, that was a curious experience”
That time of year
Yes it’s that time of year. Cars full of families heading off to universities around the country and seeing these on the motorways always makes me smile. Cars are stuffed full of duvets, books, bunting, bicycles, clothes, siblings and all kinds of pots and pans ready for the new academic year ahead. Continue reading “That time of year”
Talking money and marriage
Here we are as a family, walking along the beautiful Newborough Beach on Anglesey, North Wales. Lately Rachel and I have been reflecting over how we operate with our money and how we have managed 22 years without any disagreements over our finances. We have pondered this, wondering how we have managed to get this mostly right all this time. Here’s a few thoughts…. Continue reading “Talking money and marriage”
Health news
Most of the time when I write here, I’m writing to the wider blog reading audience. For this post, I’m writing mostly to myself, as a kind of journal entry. Yesterday and today I had some health news and I wanted to jot down a few thoughts while it is fresh in my mind. Continue reading “Health news”
Trying to make our cars last a long time
One of the things I’ve been wanting to write about is trying to make our cars last a long time. While I have always leaned towards keeping a car for many years in order to make the purchase more cost effective, I have also become quite fond of some cars and have enjoyed keeping them for as long as I could. Continue reading “Trying to make our cars last a long time”