Halfbike first impressions

One of the joys of blogging is having contact from people, often from all around the world. Having blogged about the Halfbike back in 2015 (on my cycling blog) I was delighted when the manufacturers recently got in touch and asked if I would like to try a Halfbike.  Of course I agreed and here are my first impressions of the Halfbike.  I will blog again about it once I have had more experience and practice. Continue reading “Halfbike first impressions”

Second ride in 2019 – looking ahead

M1 motorway from a Busway bridge
M1 motorway from a Busway bridge

Today I had my second ride in 2019 – looking ahead.  I think I’d better explain the title before I ramble on too far.  When I run and, to a certain extent cycle, I often get some really good ideas.  So one of the effects of exercise is to get my brain working a little more. Continue reading “Second ride in 2019 – looking ahead”

My review of 2018

In thinking ahead to my review 2018, there’s no denying it has been an extraordinary year with many unexpected events and blessings. It is probably easier to break it down month by month and needless to say I’m already looking forward to whatever unfolds in 2019! Continue reading “My review of 2018”

The quickest of blogging updates

I seem to be as busy as ever so this is the quickest of blogging updates; normal service should resume soon! Quite a few things have been demanding my time over the last couple of weeks.  All pretty positive but have all combined to distract me away from the keyboard.  Broadly, they are: Continue reading “The quickest of blogging updates”