Book review – Nevertheless by John Kirkby

Nevertheless, John Kirkby
Nevertheless, John Kirkby

This particular book has been thrust into my hands a few times over the years, most recently on Monday.  As I’m now recouperating from my recent operation, I thought it was time to read this book.  Besides, as I’m now officially a volunteer for Christians Against Poverty, reading the book now seemed an obvious thing to do. Continue reading “Book review – Nevertheless by John Kirkby”

The 10 10 80 approach to money

In our own personal finance over the years, we have followed a sort of 10 10 80 approach to money.  We found this worked well for us; only now do we discover how this is a method used more widely by others.  Let me stress I am not advising anyone to follow this, although it might possibly be worth considering. Continue reading “The 10 10 80 approach to money”

Talking money and marriage

Talking money and marriage Here we are as a family, walking along the beautiful Newborough Beach on Anglesey, North Wales. Lately Rachel and I have been reflecting over how we operate with our money and how we have managed 22 years without any disagreements over our finances.  We have pondered this, wondering how we have managed to get this mostly right all this time.  Here’s a few thoughts…. Continue reading “Talking money and marriage”

God why are you doing this to me?

God why are you doing this to me?
God why are you doing this to me?

With my early retirement fast approaching, I have found myself becoming excited about the future – my escape plan is well underway, I’m counting the days down and I guess I’ll soon be a member of the FIRE club (Financially Independent, Retired Early).  After all, you might have picked up already how I’m a naturally optimistic person; I always look on the bright side of things, always looking forward to the future. Continue reading “God why are you doing this to me?”

Should Christians be tolerant?

This is all about whether Christians should be tolerant towards each other and to others.  Recently I was walking back from town and I bumped into a couple of fellow church members.  I unplugged by earbuds and we said “hi” to each other and then a short but interesting conversation started…. Continue reading “Should Christians be tolerant?”