Weekly update and why my consultant says “it’s bollocks!”

Quite a nice week.  Signs of returning to normal, tender times with my mother and a colourful chat with my kidney consultant.  Find out what he’s been saying on Saturday…. Continue reading “Weekly update and why my consultant says “it’s bollocks!””

Weekly update and the intriguing windows

Victorian windows at the Quirky Museum
Victorian windows at the Quirky Museum

We have had a slightly quieter week, what with my humdinger of a UTI and how the weather has continued being so cold – we even had snow one day!  Highlights to report are the intrigue surrounding some windows here in the Quirky Museum and helping out at our medical centre. Continue reading “Weekly update and the intriguing windows”

Weekly update – running late!

David, Becky, Hannah, Rachel and myself

“I’m late, I’m late, I’m late for a very important date” – or so the ditty goes.  At least I can blame my tardiness on the Easter bank holidays in running late.  We have had another busy week, even though I’m always disorientated by the bank holidays.  Here’s a quick run down on what’s been going’ on….. Continue reading “Weekly update – running late!”