Weekly update – lagging behind!

Our little beach on the Isle of Wight
Our little beach on the Isle of Wight

So I’m lagging behind with blogging.  Quite a lot has happened and I must admit to feeling a little unsettled with the need to be at home; wherever ‘home’ might be.  Also, we have had a little holiday which I’ll tell you about first of all. Continue reading “Weekly update – lagging behind!”

Weekly update – homeliness?

Setting the scene for writing
Setting the scene for writing

We are still in a state of flux in caring for my mother-in-law.  As we see signs of her grumpiness returning we know she is getting better; and yet we know she’s still fragile despite her “I’m perfectly alright” stance.  Meanwhile we are trying to create a feeling of homeliness with painting, cleaning and even more cleaning. Continue reading “Weekly update – homeliness?”

Weekly update – we’re moving – into a museum!

Our future sitting room - before it is transformed
Our future sitting room – before it is transformed

I have eluded to this before and some of our friends know a little more than others, so I though I’d bring things up to date in this weekly update.  So, we’re moving – into a museum!  Museum?  Not exactly but that’s what it feels like. Continue reading “Weekly update – we’re moving – into a museum!”