Weekly update – busy!

Grandma’s fig treeI like being busy.  None of us know how long we have left and so I like to make sure each day counts for something (although lately I don’t always succeed).  I am hoping for another 40 years but we never truly know and that’s why it’s important to do the best we can in life, making the most of the ‘here and now’. Continue reading “Weekly update – busy!”

Weekly update – the honeymoon is over

Us with the Shotter family My second weekly update – the honeymoon is over for newly married Becky and David.  First of all, I am feeling very chuffed I have remembered to do this update and also managed to squeeze a couple of other posts in! Here goes with my update: Continue reading “Weekly update – the honeymoon is over”

Weekly update – all change for our daughters

Our garden and the changing seasons
Our garden and the changing seasons

I am going to try and get into the habit of doing a weekly update of things.  This will be as a minimum in terms of blogging and I will undoubtedly / hopefully / optimistically be blogging about other things in between.  And so in kicking off my  very first weekly update – all change for our daughters. Continue reading “Weekly update – all change for our daughters”

Evolving relationship with my newly married daughter

As you can imagine I have been pondering my evolving relationship with my newly married daughter.  There is nothing particularly new about this kind of situation, after all I have needed to change my thinking once she had turned 18, became more independent at university and through to her getting engaged and then married. Continue reading “Evolving relationship with my newly married daughter”